Aspirations Coming Forth

Crocus in snowOver this last week tulip leaves and brave crocuses poked through the cool ground to see the sun, only to be covered by a wet, sloppy snowfall. Now the snow is receding and the bulbs hold forth. These seasonal moments bolster my sense that a huge flowering in Shambhala is rumbling underneath the surface, like so many overwintering bulbs just ready to burst through the cold ground seeking the sun’s warmth.
At Shambhala Online we have a tiny window on the aspirations of Shambhalians around the world. People email us to say, “I’m hoping to go to Enlightened Society Assembly this summer and need to take…” Lub, “How can I finish my group ngöndro credits in time for abisheka?” It’s as though we are all seeking the light, reaching out for the next phase of growth. Before long, groups will gather at the land centers to study and practice, to teach and learn, to meet fellow travelers and share a moment, a meal, a mantra.
The senior teachers of Shambhala – our amazing group of acharyas – are gathered now at Shambhala Mountain Center. They’re hearing the Sakyong teach, catching up with one another, planning for the year to come. We will enjoy the fruits of their retreat, as they teach in the months to come. Like so many sunflowers turning toward the sun, we will absorb what is given, bloom forth and drop the seeds along the way for others to discover.