Rupa Acharya Suzann Duquette


Acharya Suzann Duquette már több mint Shambhala tanítványa 40 évek, a The Naropa Institute első nyarán kezdődően. She has been a leader in Shambhala since the mid-1980s, including Dorje Kasung Gesar Arm Commander and Director of Karmê Chöling. On Shambhala Day 2011, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche appointed Acharya Duquette as Rupa Acharya. In this position, she is responsible for strengthening and furthering sacred ceremonial and liturgical forms of Shambhala, including the training of umdzes and chöpöns. A Shambhala Rituális Akadémia fő oktatói tagja, which focuses on this training. On Shambhala Day 2016, the Sakyong appointed Acharya Duquette one of 13 Werma Acharyas, who take as their focus the Scorpion Seal teachings and assemblies. Acharya Duquette is also a Daoist-Qigong instructor in the lineages of Dr. Eva Wong és a Mudra űrtudatosság tanára.

Currently the Resident Acharya at Karmê Chöling, Acharya Duquette teaches, közösségi gyakorlásra és tanulásra ösztönöz, és a Mukpo Intézet fő karának vezetője, egy bentlakásos program mély gyakorláshoz és tanuláshoz. Férjével, Jan Enthovennel, Acharya Duquette also owns and operates Blue Skies, egy panzió Karmê Chöling közelében.


Acharya Suzann Duquette’s teaching schedule:

2017-01-07, Santiago, Qigong (Chikung) Niveles 1 y 2
2017-01-14, Santiago, Conciencia del Espacio Mudra y los Cinco Skandhas
2017-01-27, Toronto, Rigden Weekend: Unconditional Confidence
2017-02-11, Karme Choling, (val vel: Acharya Suzann Duquette, Acharya Samten Kobelt, ) Warrior Assembly
2017-03-03, Karme Choling, (val vel: Acharya Suzann Duquette, Shastri Ethan Nichtern, ) Weekthün: A Week of Meditation
2017-03-03, Karme Choling, (val vel: Acharya Suzann Duquette, Shastri Ethan Nichtern, ) Weekthün: A Week of Meditation
2017-03-17, Karme Choling, Mudra Space Awareness
2017-03-25, Philadelphia, Daoist Qi Gong Level 3
2017-04-07, Boston, (val vel: Acharya Suzann Duquette, Andrea Doukas, Timothy Quigley, ) Regional Shambhala Ritual Academy IISave the Date
2017-04-24, Karme Choling, QiGong Levels 1-3
2017-08-09, Karme Choling, Rigden Natural Confidence
2017-09-29, Albany, MudraBody and Space Awareness