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Touching the Earth page

Earth Day Video from Green Faith

Please enjoy this video from the GreenFaith Earth Day celebration 2020.

Copyright GreenFaith, used by permission.

If you only have a few minutes, be sure to watch Benki’s testimony, de 2:55 para 10:07!

Corona and Climate ChangeDiscussion with Minister Isabella Lövin and Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer, facilitated by Christoph Schönherr

UNA Germany (DGVN) and the Swedish Embassy in Germany jointly hosted a virtual discussion on the connections between climate change and the Corona Pandemic on 24 Setembro 2020 com – the Swedish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Environment and Climate Isabella Lövin.

Here is the recording of the event that Christoph Schönherr had the honor of moderating a few weeks ago. The full recording lasts one hour.

Click here to view the recording.

The most interesting parts are Prof. Edenhofer’s responses at the following times:
15:55 min
35:00 min
45:40 min
54:15 min

Great progress!!




O Coletivo Tocando a Terra celebra o Equinócio da Primavera / Nyida DayRECORDING!!

Join us for this special Sunday Gathering featuring a celebration of the spring equinox (Nyida Day), and an opportunity to connect with the cycles of the seasons.













o que better way to welcome spring than celebrating the arts and the elements!

There will be dance, música, words and brilliant colors

Com Acharya Arawana Hayashi, Bárbara Bash, and other special guests!
Orchestrated by Sarah Cox

When human beings live in harmony with the principles of heaven and earth, then the four seasons and the elements of the world will also work together harmoniously.
– Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.


Acordando na Crise Climática: From Despair to EngagementTwo Study Sessions on the Seven Insights, on July 26 and Aug 23

Please join us for two study sessions to explore the Seven Questions/Insights, which Renée presented in her talk of May 24.

1) First Study Session:
Already took place on Domingo, Julho 26.
We discussed Insights 1 para 4. Here is the recording below.

2) Second Study session
Domingo, Agosto 23, de 1 pm to 3 PM (Oriental)Insights 5 para 7

If you wish to attend, please email us to confirm your presence and receive the Zoom link. <[email protected]>

In preparation, we suggest you listen to the first talk (abaixo de) and the follow-up study group (abaixo de), and if you have more time, you could look at her book, Environmental Melancholia.

Dr.. Renee Lertzman is a researcher, educator and engagement strategist who uses psychological insights to unlock action on global climate and environmental crises.
It’s normal to feel anxious or overwhelmed by climate change. Can we turn those feelings into something productive?

Below is the recording of Renée’s talk of May 24, entitledWaking up to the Climate Crisis: From Despair to Engagement,” which was facilitated by Sara Demetry.

You may also enjoy watching Renée’s TED talk: (

Here is the recording of the follow-up event on Zoom, facilitated by Sara Demetry (Domingo, June 7th)

Holding Grief with an Open Heart: A Facilitated Zoom Group


We are collectively feeling grief associated with climate disruption, species extinction, forest fires, water and food shortages, pandemic, and the disproportionate impact on marginalized populations at this time. Join together in community for a twice a month online group which will create a safe space to explore themes such as gratitude, grieving, activism, resilience and building capacity for staying present and awake in this time which portends both crisis and opportunity.

The work of the mature person is to carry grief in one hand and gratitude in the other and to be stretched large by them. How much sorrow can I hold? That’s how much gratitude I can give. If I carry only grief, I’ll bend toward cynicism and despair. If I have only gratitude, I’ll become saccharine and won’t develop much compassion for other peoples’ suffering. Grief keeps the heart fluid and soft, which helps make compassion possible.” Francis Weller

No ongoing commitment is required. The basis of the group will be contemplation, space for listening, sharing and discussion.

This will be a drop in facilitated zoom group the first and third Sunday evening of each month from 7:00 – 8:30 tarde EDT beginning in April, the 5th and 19th. If you are interested in attending, por favor enviar e-mail [email protected] to receive the zoom link.

Sara Demetry has been a member of the Shambhala community since 1998 and lives in Barnet VT with her husband and cats. She keeps a psychotherapy private practice and works primarily with trauma and healing. She has been interested inInner Transitionwork for many years and in the need for communal approaches to griefwork.


Salão da Morte

With Deborah Luscomb and Jacquie Bell
A virtual, bi-weekly, open gathering to talk, ouço, compartilhar, contemplate our mortality…. and all of the various reactions that arise… fear, pesar, delight… together.

Mondays: July 6th & Aug 3rd at 11:00 sou (atlântico)
Wednesdays: June 17th, July 22nd & Aug 19th at 8 PM (atlântico)

This event will be hosted by long-time practitioners and death awareness educators, Jacquie Bell and Deborah Luscomb.

No commitment, no fees are necessary.

Please email Deborah for the Zoom link and more info.
[email protected]

Poema em homenagem ao Dia da Terra

Uma Oração Ecodharma da Terra


Do reino do vazio sem limites,

O horizonte espaçoso do céu, sol e Lua,

Invocamos a perfeição primordial,

O útero não nascido da talidade chamado Buda,

Por favor, conceda-nos a abertura incondicional

Para descansar na sabedoria atemporal com toda a vida, decair, e morte,

Ver a paciente perfeição sem começo nem fim.

Do reino da tristeza compassiva,

A vulnerável pele viva da folha, concha, e pena,

Nós invocamos uma compaixão imensurável,

o inconcebível, voto sem fim de todos os Bodhisattvas,

Por favor, conceda-nos o bravo coração do despertar,

Para lamentar tudo o que estamos perdendo,

Proteger com amor tudo o que clama para ser protegido.

Do reino do relacionamento interdependente,

os quatro elementos, verdura, rastejando, natação, e os crescentes,

Nós invocamos a teia entrelaçada da causalidade,

O insight altruísta chamado Dharma,

Por favor, conceda-nos a humildade além do foco humano,

Para ficar conscientemente com o sofrimento deste mesmo lugar,

Para dar um pequeno passo para restaurar este bioma.

Do reino do precioso nascimento humano,

as fazendas, aldeias, cidades, e sistemas da nossa sociedade,

Convocamos a comunidade de toda a vida,

Os meios hábeis conhecidos como Sangha,

Por favor, conceda-nos o caminho da responsividade compassiva,

Para se reunir sem medo sem limite,

Atuar em insurgências habilidosas, com reverência por todos os seres sencientes.

Do reino que combina o sereno e o animado,

A exibição luminosa do ensinamento que é nosso único planeta Terra,

Nós invocamos este mesmo tempo e lugar,

O continuum Vajra da Natureza de Buda,

Por favor, conceda-nos este desafio impossível,

Para redescobrir a natureza desperta de todos,

Para florescer em um belo mundo liberado, a vida inseparável de todos.

-Composto espontaneamente perto de um cardeal vermelho no oeste da Pensilvânia por ocasião do 50º aniversário do Dia da Terra, em meio a uma pandemia mundial, temperaturas crescentes, derreter gelo, e extinção em massa, abril 2020, por Acharya Adam Lobel

Este é o momento para o qual estamos treinando—Gravação agora disponível!

Uma conversa criativa, in honor of Earth Day, com Acharya Judith Simmer-Brown e Jeff Wagner.

Co-sponsored by the Boulder Shambhala Center, the Touching the Earth Collective and Shambhala Online

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day this month, Buddhist teacher and scholar, Acharya Judith Simmer-Brown, and environmental educator and author Jeff Wagner, will engage in an exploratory and friendly conversation on these timely questions. Drawing on decades of practicing and teaching the Shambhala Buddhist dharma, Acharya Judith will discuss with Jeff, who brings many years of hands-on experience living and teaching in non-Western cultures, how we can open effectively and collectively to this moment of profound change.

Here is the live event’s recording!

With special thanks to Emily Takahashi, Touching the Earth Collective and The Active Hope Green Team!