我是谁? 做人的基本善

每人价格: $108


In this six-week course Adam Lobel leads participants on a journey of contemplative inquiry focused on the timeless question, "我是谁?" 课程参与者将学习:

  • 关于我们的自我意识如何每时每刻升起的佛教教义,以提供参考点.
  • 冥想练习被用作接触和表达本善心的一种方式.
  • 加入虚拟社区进行讨论, 沉思和对话练习.

香巴拉之路课程是为那些不住在香巴拉中心附近的人设计的, 或者需要特定课程才能继续前进的人. 该系列中的每门课程都有一位高级香巴拉老师, 参与者的在线社区, 并由经验丰富的课程负责人提供便利. Course participants view recorded teachings, 然后思考并参与旨在加深理解的练习.

本课程对所有人开放. 不需要以前的冥想经验.


课程是异步的. 您可以在方便时查看录制的谈话. 建议的时间表是每周观看一次演讲并完成模块中的相关阅读和练习. 有 6 会谈.


大多数参与者花费 1 至 2 每周课程时间. 谈话平均 45 分钟长度. 让自己有时间阅读, 冥想练习和其他任务. 最好在日历上安排时间,就像面对面上课一样.


亚当·洛贝尔, 博士, Harvard University, is a Buddhist minister and a scholar of philosophy and religion and served as an Acharya in the Shambhala tradition from 2005-2018. His research focuses on Great Perfection (Dzogchen) 藏传佛教, 现象学, and inoperative studies. He is a guiding teacher for One Earth Sangha, a GreenFaith fellow, has taught alongside Joanna Macy and others in the Ecosattva Training, and is active in ecological and social justice movements. He has been a speaker on ecology and spirituality at the United Nations and part of the first delegation of Buddhist teachers invited to the White House.

As a professor of Buddhist, phenomenological, and ecopsychology and a founding scholar-practitioner at the City of Bridges High School, he has a longstanding interest in contemplative education, philosophy as a way of life, and transformative pedagogy. Adam’s questions and teachings tend to orbit around the interdependence of contemplative practices and the everyday practices that shape modern subjectivity and culture. This is another way of saying that he remains attuned to an awakened, just society inseparable from our living earth. He lives and teaches in Pittsburgh, PA with his partner and two sons where he is active in resisting the petrochemical industry and guiding "Silent Transformation" eco-dharma retreats.


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慷慨政策. Click on the Request a Discount link below before registering to receive a discount code to use at checkout. 如需进一步折扣或奖学金, 写给 [email protected].

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冥想导师和香巴拉指南, 请参见 香巴拉教育者资源 注册本课程的学习/复习版本.


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