Gesar z Lingu: An Introduction to the Epic

Cena za osobu: $108

The Epic of Gesar of Ling
King Gesar was not an ordinary human being but rather a manifestation of the enlightened activity of all the buddhas, brought forth by the strength of their great compassion at a time of despair in the land of Tibet. Dating from the ninth century and with versions originating in many of the countries of Asia, Gesar’s story paints a detailed picture of the culture and life of the time. V tomto kurzu, Gesar translators David Shapiro and Jane Hawes introduce us to this epic tale that has the power to change one’s mind.

This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the Epic of Gesar, including its context and meaning as a literary, cultural and (most importantly) dharma treasure.  

The course consists of FOUR pre-recorded talks a FIVE live discussions with the teachers. The recordings will be made available one week prior to each live session. The discussions are offered each Saturday in July.

Schedule for the Live Events with the teachers:

Mluvit 1 (Žít) - Úvod: July 3rd at 1pm (ET)
Diskuse 1: July 10th at 1pm (ET)
Diskuse 2: červenec 17 at 1pm (ET)
Diskuse 3: July 24th at 1pm (ET)
Diskuse 4: July 31st at 1pm (ET)

POZNÁMKA: The LIVE sessions will be recorded and archived for viewing after each session.

Image (c) 2020 Greg Smith


These recordings and conversations will cover: 

  1. The background of the initial translation and issues regarding translation work in general and the epic in particular.

  2.  A précis of Volumes 1-3 and discussion of the main characters in some detail.

  3.  The role of the feminine principle as it relates to the epic.

  4.  Outline of Tibetan history from its prehistory until the time of Gesar.

  5.  The elevation of Tibetan Buddhism and Padmasambhava as it relates to the Gesar Epic.

  6.  The tangled web of Zhang Zhung, Bön, Shambhala and Gesar.

  7.  Politics and religion as it relates to the Gesar Epic from its origin a thousand years ago until the present day.

The ideal warrior, Gesar of Ling is a trusted leader who tames the enemies that turn people from the path of wisdom and compassion. Studying this legend gives us profound, practical guidance on how to be a warrior in difficult times and rouse life force in the midst of obstacles. Gesar of Ling is the main 'protector' of the Shambhala community and a primary inspiration of the Shambhala teachings.



David Shapiro se stal studentem Chogyam Trungpa Rinpočheho v r 1973 a byl zakladatelem-ředitelem Milwaukee Dharmadhatu (nyní Milwaukee Shambhala Center). V současnosti působí jako příležitostný řečník v Jikoji Zen Center v Kalifornii. Byl praktikujícím internistou pro 35 let a přidružený klinický profesor medicíny na Medical College of Wisconsin. Je bývalým prezidentem Milwaukee Academy of Medicine, Člen American College of Physicians a zastával řadu administrativních pozic ve společnosti Ascension Healthcare-WI, včetně osmi let jako hlavní lékař. Je členem překladatelské skupiny Light of Berotsana a rady Sangha Heart Essence. Přispěl historickým úvodem k první knize eposu a je autorem Gesar z Lingu: Bardský příběh ze sněžné země Tibetu a Gesar a COVID-19: Ancient Warrior se vrací do boje s pandemiíDavid volunteers as a tax-preparer and financial advisor for a local charitable facility.


Jane Hawesová, MUDr, se stal žákem Chögyam Trungpa Rinpočheho v r 1977 a přijal Vajrayogini abhisheka v 1996. Je studentkou Khen Namdrola Rinpočheho a členkou překladatelské skupiny Light of Berotsana, pro kterou se podílela na úpravách a formátování mnoha liturgických textů.. Začala studovat tibetštinu u zesnulého Robina Kornmana, PhD, v 2002 a nyní studuje u lamy Chönama. S lamou Chönamem dokončila překlad čtvrtého dílu Gesarova eposu, který bude zveřejněn v srpnu, 2021 od Shambhala Books, entitled The Taming of the Demons. She was responsible for compiling and preparing for publication The Epic of Gesar of Ling: Gesar's Magical Birth, Raná léta, a korunovace králem, stejně jako editování knih Davida Shapira, Gesar z Lingu: Bardský příběh ze zasněžené země Tibetu a Gesar a COVID-19: Ancient Warrior se vrací do boje s pandemií. Praktikovala vnitřní lékařství v Milwaukee, WI pro 35 let, sloužil jako preceptor pro Residents ve výcviku, a je členem American College of Physicians.

David and Jane also raised three children and now live in California where, during the COVID pandemic, they oversee full-time distance learning for two of their five grandchildren. Alongside her meditation practice and translation work, Jane enjoys simplicity in lifetime with her family, being outside, exercise with weight training reading, and baking.

   This course is part of a 3-month ‘Gesar Cycleof teachings hosted by Karmê Chöling. This longer cycle features a second series of talks from the archives by the late Gesar scholar and translator Robin Kornman. These talks will deepen and expand on the material in this first course. The ‘Gesar Cyclealso includes online practice retreats, additional discussions of Gesar practices, and special live teaching events.

To find out more and register for the three-month cycle with KCL, klikněte zde:


Registration Options for the Shambhala Online Course:

Jednotlivci: $108.  Střediska: $399.  Skupiny: $299.

: $149. Míra Patron podporuje naše úsilí o propojení učitelů a studentů prostřednictvím online programů. Zejména, pomáhá nám nabízet politiku štědrosti těm, kteří to potřebují.

Velkorysost: To access the 25% assistance discount, click the Požádejte o slevu odkaz,  or use the Zaregistrujte se nyní link to pay another amount.


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