庆祝善良和智慧: 香巴拉金刚乘的盛宴修行

每人价格: $108
赞助价格: $149
中心价格: $399
团体价格: $249

庆祝善良和智慧 is an in-depth exploration of the core elements of feast practice. This pre-recorded Vajrayana course will be of interest to new and not-so-new practitioners alike. The course is divided into six classes. The first two classes cover issues related to food and dining from the perspective of the three yanas and Shambhala culture. This lays the ground for the rest of the course, where we will look at the structure of the feast, 参加宴会的角色, 宴会实践的基本主题, 礼仪, 三昧耶, 和密宗象征主义.

神圣世界大会上的金刚乘传承, Vajrayana Seminary or Shambhala/Vajradhatu Seminary.

Feast Course Invitation by Walker Blaine.

Suggestions for doing the course:
-If you are doing the course at a center, schedule the classes a few days before each feast and have a brief conversation before the feast itself, and some discussion about your feast experience during the next class.

-Individuals taking the course are encouraged to contact a friend or a group of vajra companions to sign up for the class, to schedule online discussions and feasts together, or to keep in touch by email.

-Whether taking the course in a group or individually, conclude the series with a feast.

Recommended Schedule:
This program consists of six recorded classes, which can be completed on your own time. There are no live events in this course. You may view the talks at your convenience. The suggested schedule is to complete one class each week and do the associated readings and exercises.

You could spend 2 至 3 hours on each class. The video teachings in each class average 45 minutes in length and are divided into several shorter sections. 让自己有时间阅读, 冥想练习和其他任务. It’s a good idea to schedule your sessions on your calendar as you would for a face-to-face class. Plan on doing feasts online, at your center or on your own.

 About the teacher

Walker Blaine 提供了几个, 近年来预录的香巴拉在线课程. 他的教学风格温和, 详细的, 和幽默的.
沃克已经成为社区的一员超过 35 年, 那些年的很多年都在工作, 活的, 或在农村土地中心撤退. 除了是萨贡米滂仁波切和秋阳创巴仁波切的弟子, 沃克在堪布楚钦嘉措仁波切的指导下深入学习, 1950 年代后期离开西藏的伟大禅修大师之一. 自从 2012 沃克为释经传承教义的文本和指示提供了背景支持, 以及监督萨贡米滂仁波切的藏文翻译项目. 他对 2008 年释迦派收到的仁钦特藏的叙述可以在这里下载. 沃克与他的妻子帕特里夏和他们的儿子格里芬住在哈利法克斯, 新斯科舍省正在写一本关于香巴拉佛教的书.


1) 定期金额. $108 for individuals. $399 for Centers; $249 团体.

2) 赞助人. 顾客率 $149 支持我们通过在线计划将教师和学习者联系起来的努力. It helps us offer the generosity policy to those in need.

3) Pay Another Amount. To pay something other than the listed regular or patron amounts, please write to[email protected] 

The dharma is precious. Please consider the value of the course to you personally within the context of your current circumstances when making your offering.

给中心和团体的注意事项: Please use your Shambhala Center account to register.单击此处获取说明 关于创建帐户.


