金刚橛修行: 以忿怒的慈悲克服障碍

每人价格: $79


在年底和困难时期, 金刚橛修行将我们与忿怒的慈悲联系起来,以克服障碍和döns. 加入我们,聆听 Eve Rosenthal 的录音讲座和指导金刚橛修行.

忿怒赫鲁嘎金刚橛是本尊,他体现了所有佛陀的证悟活动,他的修行以消除障碍最强大而闻名, 摧毁对慈悲心怀敌意的力量,净化这个时代盛行的精神污染. 金刚橛是金刚萨埵佛的忿怒相. His distinctive iconographic trait is that he holds the dagger called a phurba.

Topics will include:

  • 设置练习的动机
  • 金刚橛的传承和起源故事
  • 慈悲与忿怒修行
  • 四斤
  • 金刚橛和阿舍的关系
  • 这种做法如何处理障碍
  • Guided practice of Vajrakilayathe short practice by Mipham Rinpoche (1846–1912) 这是与 Mamo 吟唱一起完成的. 不需要肺. 文本将在课程中提供.

The Shambhala Online Advanced Studies courses are designed to support Vajrayana practitioners as they develop their practice and deepen their understanding between major programs.


This course features video recordings and guided practice sessions. The course is self-paced; you can view the recordings at any time, as often as you like.

先决条件: Shambhala Vajrayana student


夏娃罗森塔尔has been a senior teacher in Shambhala for many years, leading programs for the public as well as advanced practitioners. Her inspiration for offering this course is her strong connection to the Vajrakilaya lineage and practice. 香巴拉在线创始人, Eve has worked in the technology sector on Wall Street and as a university professor. She resides in Halifax, 新斯科舍省.


Generosity Policy - We want to make the teachings available to all and will work with you to ensure your participation. Click on the Request a Discount link before you register, 接收折扣码以在结账时使用. 如需进一步折扣, 写给 [email protected].


请注意: 价格以美元计算 . 申请折扣 您注册以考虑汇率或其他折扣.
