Vztah mezi studentem a učitelem prostřednictvím tří Yanas

Cena za osobu: $49
Cena patrona: $99

O kurzu

As Buddhism continues to take root in the West there have arisen many questions about the role and importance of the teacher. With the aspiration of clarifying some of the issues surrounding this topic, this three-class series will examine the student/teacher relationship as it manifests in each of the three vehicles of Hinayana, mahájána, and Vajrayana.

Osnova kurzu

Třída 1: Úvod, the Hinayana and the Elder

Třída 2: Mahayana and the Spiritual Friend

Třída 3: Vajrayana and the Vajra Master

Předpoklad: Having a daily meditation practice.

O Učiteli

Moh Hardin became a student of Chögyam Trungpa in 1972. He has been a practitioner, student, and teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage for 47 let. For the past fifteen years, Moh has taught regularly in the South Central Region of the U.S. (Texas/Louisiana/Oklahoma) and the Atlantic Region of Canada (nové Skotsko, New Brunswick, Ostrov prince Edwarda, and Newfoundland).  Moh is happily married to Cynde Grieve and they live in Halifax.

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