Introducción a la enseñanza de la meditación en Shambhala

Fecha: sábado, enero 28, 2023
martes, Abril 30, 2024
Precio para Centros: $600
Precio para Grupos: $600

NOTA: ONLY Shambhala Centers and Groups may reigster at this time.

Price for Centers and Groups: $600

Discount Price $300

(To pay the discount price, enter code U9Jvnqat checkout


This course begins with a live session on January 28th.

Desde allí, we will navigate through four main modules of study

1 - Orientation and Welcome

2 - Presenting Meditation to New Meditators

3 - sesiones de práctica

4 - Welcoming into Shambhala

The process of developing as a Meditation Instructor is a lifelong path. This course is designed to be a strong beginning. From here, new and renewing Meditation Instructors will work closely with mentors in local and online Shambhala settings to discover their personal path.


TENGA EN CUENTA: Los precios están en dólares estadounidenses. . Solicitar un descuento antes de se registra para permitir tipos de cambio u otros descuentos.

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