寻找自由: 佛陀的核心教义, 课程二 - 第二圣谛: 苦难的起源, 第一部分 - 五韦达

每人价格: $149
赞助价格: $216


This course is part of a five-course-series that provides a thorough exploration of the Hinayana path drawing on teachings from prominent teachers and classic sources. The emphasis is on cultivating maitri or friendliness to oneself, 以及香巴拉基本善的教义, 温柔勇敢 - 使我们能够以勇士精神和尊严来满足现代人类的状况.

四圣谛被用作整体组织原则. Instructions in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness are interwoven and provide a meditative method for embracing the totality of our basically good experienceincluding pain and suffering.

课程二 - 认识到苦难的真相和我们生活中普遍存在的困惑, 我们自然有疑问. 这种苦境是如何生起的?  混乱从何而来?  在这对五蕴的深入探索中, 我们将一一触动这些层次或经验的星座, 从无条件开始, 开放空间的先天基础, 看看我们如何制造我们自己的投影世界.


戴尔·阿斯雷尔growing up in a suburb of Washington, DC, studied music and dance and, even as a young child, ruthlessly searched for answers. Through her Jewish ancestry, she learned to celebrate the sacredness of life and, simultaneously be aware of the depth of human suffering. After completing university studies in film and Eastern religions, Dale moved to Canada in 1970, disheartened by the Vietnam War. Shortly after she took Refuge Vows at the Kagyü Center in Vancouver, British Columbia, Dale heard reports of a “revolutionary young lamawho was teaching about chaos and wisdom. She journeyed to Boulder to meet him, and during her first interview with the Vidyadhara in 1973, realized she was “being given answers to questions I hadn’t even begun to articulate.Dale attended the first session of Naropa Institute in 1974 and the first public dathün at Rocky Mountain Dharma Center (现在的札拉山中心) that same summer. An early member of the Kootenay Dharma Study Group, she spent the next six years traveling from B.C. to Boulder to attend programs with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. During that time, she completed university studies in Education and became a music teacher in the British Columbia public schools. Dale attended the 1978 Vajradhatu Seminary, a program remembered for Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s regular gatherings for post-talk singing in the hotel lounge. 在 1979, she moved to Boulder to study intensively with the Vidyadhara. She taught music at the Buddhist-inspired Vidya School for five years. At Trungpa Rinpoche’s request, she moved to Rocky Mountain Dharma Center (现在的札拉山中心) to serve as Head of Practice and Study from 1985-1990. In that role, she had the inexpressible good fortune of working closely with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpcohe during his last two Seminaries. Upon returning to Boulder, 一氧化碳. to live, Dale was able to return to Drala Mountain Center every summer to teach at the Seminaries. 这样, she began to work closely with Sakyong Mipham, Rinpoche and to learn deeply from his stream of teachings. Dale has taught as Core Faculty at Naropa University since 1992, in the M.A. 佛学研究, Contemplative Education, and Counseling programs, and is an Upadhyaya(Buddhist minister). She leads meditation retreats, dathuns (month long meditation retreats), Sutrayana Seminaries, Ngondro Instructor trainings, and other programs internationally. “I am continually humbled by studying and practicing the profound teachings of our lineages. The more I learn, the more I realize the incredible good fortune we share.

约翰洛克威尔已走在佛法之路上 47 年. 他认识了秋阳创巴仁波切 1975 并学习和实践佛教和香巴拉教义 12 和他在一起的岁月, 尤其是与他合作将藏文翻译成英文. 十年, 他在那洛巴大学佛学系学习和任教. 很多年了, 他曾为Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche担任阿查亚或高级上师,并跟随堪布Tsultrim Gyamtso仁波切深入学习. 他现在的灵感是当场打开心灵和感官.

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