寻找自由: 佛陀的核心教义, 第三课 - 第二圣谛: 苦难的起源, 第二部分 - 生命之轮, 业力, 和十二尼达纳斯

每人价格: $149
赞助价格: $216


This course is part of a five-course-series that provides a thorough exploration of the Hinayana path drawing on teachings from prominent teachers and classic sources. The emphasis is on cultivating maitri or friendliness to oneself, 以及香巴拉基本善的教义, 温柔勇敢 - 使我们能够以勇士精神和尊严来满足现代人类的状况.

四圣谛被用作整体组织原则. Instructions in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness are interwoven and provide a meditative method for embracing the totality of our basically good experienceincluding pain and suffering.

第三课 - 佛陀的基本教义表明,如果我们认识到,我们在生活中所经历的痛苦可以停止。, 深刻而深刻, 苦是如何生起的. 这需要温柔的勇气和深刻的思考, bypassing simplistic notions of how our suffering has arisen.


格隆罗登尼玛 是一名出家的佛教僧侣. 他从 2009 – 2017 他在那里进行了密集的练习, completed a cycle of advanced studies (Shedra), and served in various roles including as a senior teacher. He now lives at Drala Mountain Center where he serves as Resident Teacher and a founding faculty member for the Path of Meditation, the Summer Seminar, and other programs. 他每年有一部分时间在静修中度过, travels to continue his own dharma education, 并且经常可以看到在 DMC 的土地上慢跑.

朱迪思·斯默尔-布朗, 博士, Distinguished Professor of Contemplative and Religious Studies Emeritx at Naropa University, where shehas taught for over 40 年. Simmer-Brown is a compassion trainer for the Compassion Initiative at Naropa. 她是空行母温暖的呼吸: 藏传佛教中的女性原则 (香巴拉) and editor, with Fran Grace, of冥想与课堂: 宗教研究的沉思教育学 (纽约州立大学). For Shambhala, she teaches Shambhala Training levels, Mahayana and Vajrayana topics, with a special love of White Tara, 女性原则, working with emotions, compassion and social engagement.

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