Рік поглиблення співчуття - Full Series

Ціна за людину: $399
Меценатська ціна: $449

About the Series

The path of the Bodhisattva Warrior begins with developing affection for ourselves and then expands this affection to others, усуваючи бар’єри, які нас розділяють. To support this practice, Shambhala senior teachers taught a year-long course with contemplative and meditation practices from the Buddhist Mahayana teachings of our lineage.

Throughout this four-part series, the main practice is tonglen, taught by Ani Pema Chödrön with a guided meditation and an audio talk that is posted in all four courses. There are also additional teachings to introduce and support other practices of the Mahayana.

Within this series, divided into four seasonal themes, teachers offer talks that relate to each topic with their own personal approach. The themes for the four seasons echo the virtues of the Four Dignities of the Shambhala Path: Tiger, Лев, Гаруда і Дракон.


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We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Breakdown of Five-Course Series

Частина І – Чотири Безмежних

This course includes tonglen instruction, an audio talk by Pema Chödrön and an introduction to The Four Limitless Ones.

  • Six recorded classes, led by different teachers
  • Readings and book suggestions to deepen your understanding of these teachings
  • Contemplations to help you integrate these fundamental teachings into your daily life

Теми курсу

Class 1 Шаматха і Майтрі: Створення основ для нашої подорожі Махаяни with Susan Chapman

Клас 2 – Знайомство з Tonglen with Pema Chödrön

Клас 3 – Незворушність з Євою Розенталь

Клас 4 – Любляча доброта with Fleet Maull

Клас 5 – Співчуття with Dale Asrael

Клас 6 – Симпатична радість with Dan Hessey

Частина II - Веселий сніговий лев і параміт

This course includes an exploration of Relative Bodhicitta and how we put our aspiration into action with the practice of the Paramitas.

  • Five recorded classes led by different teachers.
  • Readings and book suggestions to deepen our understanding of these teachings
  • Contemplations to help us integrate these fundamental teachings into our daily lives

Теми курсу

Клас 1  – The Paramita of Generosityз Марті Яновіцем

Клас 2 – The Paramita of Discipline з Емілі Бауер

Клас 3 – The Paramita of Patience with Suzann Duquette

Клас 4 – The Paramita of Exertion with Moh Hardin

Клас 5 – The Paramita of Meditation з Джоном Роквеллом

Part III - Fearless Garuda: Порожнеча і абсолютна бодхічітта

Сила Махаяни полягає в її ясності щодо істинної природи реальності. This clarity is described as penetrating insight (prajna), that sees that the world is actually different from what we habitually think it is. Instead of assuming that beings, objects and systems are solid, truly existing independently, the bodhisattva sees that everything is empty of concepts and reference points (shunyata).  

  • Six recorded classes, led by different teachers.
  • Readings and book suggestions to deepen our understanding of these teachings
  • Contemplations to help us integrate these fundamental teachings into our daily lives

Теми курсу

Клас 1 – Prajnaparamita and Absolute Bodhicitta з Джудіт Сіммер-Браун

Клас 2 – Heart Sutra з Девідом Шнайдером

Клас 3 – Feminine Principle з Джудіт Сіммер-Браун

Клас 4 – Shunyata з Мелісою Мур

Клас 5 – Prajna and Compassion з Джудіт Сіммер-Браун

Частина IV - Лоджонг і співчуття

The spiritual path does not lead to non-activity and withdrawing from the world. In the Shambhala tradition, the master warrior is profoundly engaged. This last part of the course series will explore the teachings on the Lojong, Athisha’s famous mind-training slogans, які запрошують нас використовувати труднощі та проблеми, з якими ми стикаємося, щоб поглибити наш шлях.

  • Six recorded classes, led by different teachers.
  • Readings and book suggestions to deepen our understanding of these teachings
  • Contemplations to help us integrate these fundamental teachings into our daily lives

Теми курсу

Class 1 – Lojong and the Four Reminders з Гейлоном Фергюсоном

Клас 2 – Absolute Bodhicitta Slogans з Джоном Роквеллом

Клас 3 – Relative Bodhicitta Slogans, частина 1 з Холлі Гейлі

Клас 4 – Relative Bodhicitta Slogans, частина 2 with Fleet Maull

Клас 5 – Bodhicitta in Everyday Life з Сьюзен Ск'єй

Клас 6 – The Bodhisattva Vow with Susan Chapman



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