Свято хайку: Вступ до шляху хайку - Cohort 2 Реєстрація

Дата: Субота, Грудень 9, 2023 (17:00 -19:00)
Субота, Грудень 16, 2023 (17:00 -19:00)
Субота, січня 6, 2024 (17:00 -19:00)
Субота, січня 13, 2024 (17:00 -19:00)
Ціна за людину: $108
Меценатська ціна: $149

Live Session Dates and Times

2023: груд. 9 & 16

2024: січня 6 & 13

5:00вечора - 7:00вечора СХІД

Про курс

This registration page is for Haiku Celebration: Вступ до шляху хайку - Cohort 2, 5:00вечора - 7:00pm EST.

This course is an introduction to Classic Contemplative Haiku, a short literary form that brings both the writer and the reader to a “now momentthat encompasses the entire universe. It will help participants explore and see the phenomenal ways of the universe through several seasonal categories such as “animals and plants” - frogs and daffodils for Spring, for example.

Another classical haiku category is “celebrations," which is looking at the ways of human culture. During this course, we will emphasize Winter celebrations such as the Solstice and Yule, Shambhala Children’s Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, various Saints Days, Las Posadas, New Year’s Eve & Day, і більше. So you can bring your haiku practice and writings during this course into your personal celebrations during this important seasonal time.

Also the course will include a consideration of Chogyam Trungpa's teaching on Setting Sun and Great Easter Sun cultures presented in the book Шамбала: Sacred Path of the Warrior (If you do not
have this book the readings will be provided).

No writing experience is necessary!

Included in the Course

  • Four live online sessions
  • Meditation and contemplation practice
  • Teachings on writing haiku
  • Reading and study materials from Haiku literature, Daosim, and Mythology (These materials will be provided)
  • Group study and discussion
  • Weekly haiku writing assignments
  • Personal feedback on your haiku through weekly email exchanges
  • Weekly sharing and celebration of each other’s haiku

This course opens the possibility of joining the Moon and Sun Haiku Groupan online collective that shares their haiku and includes further teachings.


No prerequisites.

БУДЬ ЛАСКА, ЗАПИШИ: Ціни вказані в доларах США . Запит на знижку раніше ви реєструєтеся, щоб отримати доступ до обмінних курсів або інших знижок.

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