Sonntagstreffen in Shambhala - Singen der buddhistischen Lehren

Datum: Sonntag, Oktober 15, 2023 (15:00 -16:00)

Sonntagsversammlungen finden jede Woche LIVE statt 3:00 Uhr. IST

Spenden sind willkommen!

Here are a few reasons to sing Dharma:
It helps you to memorize the teachings, enabling you to contemplate them wherever you are.
It synchronizes body, speech and mind.
It’s one way to experience the teachings on a heart level.
Like most singing, it frees up the energy in your body.
And, last but not leastit’s fun!

Während unserer gemeinsamen Stunde singen wir drei Lieder, über ihre Bedeutung nachdenken, Erwägen Sie alternative Übersetzungen, und Meditation üben. We’ll also explore how to create simple melodies for whatever dharma teachings you might want to memorize. At the conclusion of the gathering, Alex will make available various links to further resources for singing teachings.

Even if the only time you sing is in the shower or with the radio in the car, you’re welcome to join in.

Über den Lehrer

Alexander deVaron began teaching in Shambhala in 1986. Aus 1991-1996 he lived at Karmê Chöling retreat center, working in the practice and study department. Im 2010, he was appointed a Shastri (Oberlehrer) in Shambhala. As a householder, and full-time music teacher, he’s especially keen on how to bring the teachings into every moment of our lives. He teaches Buddhism, Shambhala-Training, Shambhala-Kunst, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and the interplay of Buddhism and Western psychology. He has also developed courses on singing, chanting, and vocal exploration as contemplative practice. He brings a light touch to his classes, encouraging curiosity and dialogue. His classes have an atmosphere of goodness, spaciousness and appreciation within which honest and fearless inquiry can take place. Alexander’s primary teachers have been Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. He’s also grateful for the abundance of profound teachings he’s received from the many western students in these traditions. You can reach him at [email protected].