Shambhala Sunday Gathering—Compassion and Intergenerational Trauma

Дата: неділя, Грудень 3, 2023 (15:00 -16:00)

Недільні збори відбуваються в НАЖИВОМУ ефірі щотижня за адресою 3:00 вечора. СХІД

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Intergenerational Trauma is gaining validation in clinical settings where culturally appropriate care for indigenous and oppressed peoples is being critically explored and is changing. Eduardo Duran, Healing the Soul Wound's author, defines a post-colonial approach to healing for Indigenous people.

Eduardo's work is profoundly contemplative in its roots, and he honors Native and Buddhist ways of thinking that can benefit all who encounter his methods.

Long-term Shambhalian Melissa Moore will host this session. Together they will explore the act of restorative compassion and offer a perspective on how trauma and hardship transfer as internalized oppression and ailment in oppressed populations today. By opening our hearts and widening our perspectives toward the possibility of intergenerational trauma, we begin to explore how trauma and oppression in our ancestry are carried forward in us - and how oppression and pain are propagated in our culture and Institutions.

The session will end with a guided compassion contemplation led by Melissa, which explores intergenerational trauma and how it may surface in one's body, speech, and mind today. And how to hold what we discover with unconditional loving kindness.

Про Вчителів

Eduardo Duran, доктор філософії, was born in northern New Mexico. He was born into Apache Tewa and Lakota tribal culture, and over his life, he’s worked with hundreds of tribes across North America. He worked as a child as a migrant farm worker and, at age 17, enlisted in the U.S. Navy, where he served six years on board submarines and other vessels during the Vietnam War. Once discharged, he became interested in psychology and began his studies while working for the Navy as an engineering psychologist. Along the way, he discovered a mystical dreamtime path he has followed and written about in Buddha in RedfaceEd has traveled worldwide, sharing his insights into "soul wounding." He has authored several books: Native American Post Colonial Psychology, Healing the Soul Wound: Counseling with American Indians and Other Native People, і Buddha in Redface.

Мелісса Мур, доктор філософії, is the director of Karuna Training North America. Karuna Training offers certification in Contemplative Psychology. Melissa has been a practicing Buddhist for over 40 years and a student of Chogyam Trungpa. She has befriended Eduardo over the last year and aspires to share his wisdom with the Shambhala Community.