Første tirsdag: Lær at meditere

Dato: tirsdag, April 2, 2024 (19:00 -20:00)

7:00pm-8:00kl. ØST

Tuesday Open Houses are quaterly live events, that are open to all, and are focused on learning to meditate. Dette er et rum, hvor begyndere eller folk, der er nyere inden for meditation, kan modtage meditationsinstruktion, lære, hvordan en meditationspraksis kan informere deres daglige liv, og forbinde til andre mediterende i en varm, inkluderende miljø.

Meditation is a powerful practice that can help us with anxiety and stress, connect with our minds and hearts, and be more awake to the world around us.

Om Læreren

Candia Luda first encountered the teachings of Buddhism and Shambhala in 1980 when she readAt skære gennem spirituel materialisme. She stayed a bookstore Buddhist until realizing she needed more and began attending her local Shambhala center. Candia lived at Karme Choling in Vermont for two years (1989-1990). Hun deltog i 1992 Vajrayana Seminary at Drala Mountain Center and continued to return for the summer programs, mainly as a coordinator, until 2007. For the next eleven years Candia cared for her sister until her death from dementia. I 2007 her focus pivoted to working with Khenpo Gawang Rinpoche (se Udforskning af grundlæggende buddhistiske læresætninger). Together they created Pema Karpo Meditation Center and Jeweled Lotus Publishing, whose books are sold on Amazon. Candia, while diving deeply into Tibetan Buddhism, feels the training she received, and continues to receive, within Shambhala is priceless.