Shambhala Sunday Gathering—Children's Day with Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective

Data: Niedziela, Grudzień 17, 2023 (15:00 -16:00)

Niedzielne spotkania NA ŻYWO co tydzień o godz 3:00 po południu. WSCHÓD

Darowizny są mile widziane!

Whooppee it is almost Children's Day
Everyone is invited to celebrate and join the festivities. Barbara Bash will lead a calligraphic poetry splash. JOIN IN! Paul Griffin & Family: Erin, Iris, and Lydia, will bring down the house with their jingles and jives. JOIN IN! You will show up in fabulous hats, and colorful offerings of your own. JOIN IN!
And we are delighted to share a recorded Children's Day 2023 Greeting from Lady Diana Mukpo!
Families and friends are welcome to celebrate All Children as the calendar comes to the darkest day of the year. The seasons change, and we gather together to have some fun in the simplicity JOINING together. Bake something yummy and show us! And yes, there will be a reading of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, a wonderful rediscovered book in our library.
We celebrate Children's Day as the nights are getting longer. On the Darkest Day of the year, we celebrate...with light, delight and song...Whoopppee!

About Lady Diana & STEC

Lady Diana Mukpo was married to Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche for seventeen years. She has been a
teacher in the Shambhala community for over 30 lat, and has helped to plant the banner of Shambhala Buddhism in the West. She is the author of the book Dragon Thunder, which recounts her life with Trungpa Rinpoche. Along with her dedication to expanding the Shambhala teachings, she is also an accomplished dressage rider and trainer, and has competed at the international level.

Her vision is unyielding and good. Her intention is pure, her intention is to help elegantize the world.
From her presence and existence in sharing my life, the Sakyong Wangmo has provided lots of sharp
edges and lots of warm memories and lots of sad stories. The Sakyong Wangmo’s vision and her
fearlessness and her particular type of impatience has brought us here. Therefore she deserved to sit on the same platform with me as a teacher of Shambhala vision.

- Czogjam Trungpa Rinpocze


As the lords of materialism wreak havoc on our natural world, destroying rich ecosystems and threatening our very existence, Touching the Earth warriors come together with the aspiration to live within our planetary boundaries, retake our seat as good neighbours in the community of life on Earth, and to grieve for what we have already lost. Why we're here: To inspire and engage the warriors of the Touching the Earth Collective to uphold the healthy sustainability of the sacred living environment for all beings. Clearly seeing the need for an urgent response to human-caused environmental degradation, Touching the Earth warriors invite individual and collective action for the rebalancing, protection and celebration of a healthy living world.