Přátelství se smrtí a umíráním: Měsíční podpůrná skupina

datum: pondělí, duben 1, 2024 (19:00 -20:30)

First Monday of every month from 7:00 odpoledne. - 8:30 odpoledne. VÝCHODNÍ

About the Sessions

Dary jsou vítány! 

Confidentiality Statement: We value confidentiality and sharing. This group will not be recorded. Respektujeme vaše soukromí.

During these support group sessions, there will be a short opening talk, a 15-minute meditation practice session (no previous mediation experience is necessary), a otevřené fórum pro diskusi o osobních zkušenostech se stářím, nemoc, smrt, grief, or bereavement. Sessions may include Tonglen for those who have died and a question and answer period.

Chaplain Alley’s dharma talk will include reading from Venerable Thich Nhat Han’s book, How to Live When a Loved One Dies.

Please join us. Všichni jsou vítáni!

Confidentiality Statement: We value confidentiality and sharing. This group will not be recorded. Respektujeme vaše soukromí.

Texts Used During Sessions

Required Text

How to Live When a Loved One Dies by Thich That Hahn

*Please purchase the book from your preferred vendor

Other Recommended Texts On This Topic

Poznámka: You do not have to purchase the texts below.

Mind Beyond Death by Dzogchen Ponlop

Making Friends with Death: A Buddhist Guide to Encountering Mortality by Judith L. Lief

How We Live is How We Die by Pema Chödrön

Living is Dying: How to Prepare for Death, Dying & Beyond by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse

Awake at the Bedside: Contemplative Teachings on Palliative Care & End-of-Life Care edited by Koshin Paley Ellison and Matt Weingast, Forward by HH the Karmapa

Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition by Andrew Holeck

Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion & Fearlessness in the Presence of Death by Joan Halifax

The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated with commentary by Francesca Fremantle and Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche

Peaceful MindCompassionate Heart by Khen Rinpoche Lobzang Tsetan, edited & with a preface by Dana Sawyer

O Učiteli

Alley Smithová, ordained Shambhala Buddhist Chaplain, je buddhistický ministr náboženství, “Upadhyaya,” and “Upasika” Kaplan na Brown University v Providence, Rhode Island. She was the Resident Chaplain at Maine VeteransHome in Scarborough, Maine for 5.5 years and currently serves as a Visiting Chaplain at MVH. Alley is a US military war veteran. Alley specializes in end of life care, mortuary affairs, decedent care, and as a funeral clergy. She has been a student of Shambhala Buddhism and Zen since 1999.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chapsalley/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/chaplainalley