Изучение песнопения Мамос и его актуальности для сегодняшнего дня

Свидание: Суббота, февраль 3, 2024 (15:00 -16:00)

Register for Exploring the Mamos Chant and Its Relevance to Today

Donations are Welcome

Shambhala Online offers end-of-year practices free of charge to support our community. We gratefully welcome your donations so we can continue to share the Dharma with our community and the world.


Все сеансы в 3:00вечера ВОСТОК. Использоватьтконвертер часовых поясов для вашего местного времени начала.

Join us each day from Jan 30-Feb 8 для БЕСПЛАТНО (Donations welcome) line-up of “Shambhala New Year Programming." These special events will take place in the end of year practice period before Shambhala Day, and will feature talks by teachers in our community, с последующим групповым чтением слов защитника, мама, и заключительные песнопения.

Каждое ежедневное выступление будет проходить примерно по одному и тому же графику.:

  • Приветствие и презентация (30 минут)
  • Сидячие песнопения (25 минут)
  • Закрытие & возможность дать

Presenters for these end of year practice sessions will include: Рея Кольмар, Lennart Krogoll, Тилли Перкс, Джудит Симмер-Браун, Джефф Скотт, Грег Смит, и более!

End-of-Year Practice Session Lineup

январь 30Opening Up The End of Year Practice Season: The Meaning of Protector Chants and Why We Do These Practices At This Time of the Year with Richard Peisinger

январь 31Умиротворение суматохи Мамосов: The Mamos In the Context of Dakini Lore with Judith Simmer-Brown

февраль 1Иконография Защитников: Дхармапала, Махакала, and Lokapalas with Greg Smith

февраль 2Защитники и их "Земельный Центр Дома": Трунгпа Ринпоче & The Histroy of These Connections with Tillie Perks

февраль 3Exploring the Mamos Chant & Its Relevance to Today with Jeff Scott

февраль 4The Importance of Mind-Protection and Protector Chants with (Session Leader to be announced)

февраль 5Структура песнопений защитников - Семенной слог, Описание, Запрос, Предложение, Увещевание, & Mantra with Rhea Colmar

февраль 6The Four Karmas and Protector Chants with Lodro Dorje

февраль 7Exploring the Concluding Request To The Protectors with Lennart Krogoll

февраль 8Closing the Year End Practices Together with Richard Peisinger

Daily Email Reminders

To sign up for daily email reminders for End of Year Practicesкликните сюда.

Shambhala Day Live Broadcast

Please save the date for a 30 minute online Shambhala Day Live Broadcast to celebrate the energetic shift from the Year of the Water Rabbit into the Year of the Wood Dragon.

This registration does not include the Shambhala Day Live Broadcast на февраль 10. To register for the Shambahla Day Live Broadcast пожалуйста, нажмите здесь

About the Year of the Wood Dragon

The Wood Dragon is associated with qualities of wisdom, уверенность, cleverness and honesty. In Dragon years, we may see revolutionary ideas, but these years can also be known for reliability and a lack of arrogance. The element of Wood in the upcoming year makes this year less fierce and domineering than other dragon times, bringing us a year with potential for working well with others and being able to compromise when needed.

About End-of-Year Practices

The 2024 End-of-Year practice sessions are every day from January 30-February 8 в 3:00 вечера. Восточный. These special events take place in the end of year practice period before День Шамбалы, и тематические выступления учителей нашего сообщества, с последующим групповым чтением слов защитника, мама, и заключительные песнопения.

These sessions will offer explorations of the various protector chants, deepening our understanding of this end of year practice tradition and greatly enriching our ability to practice in a whole-hearted way.

В течение последнего 11 days of the year, we offer end-of-year practices to lay the ground for a positive transition into the New Year. The first 10 of these days are a time for intensive practice, focused on protector chants as a way to help overcome obstacles in our life, community and world. The end of the year is traditionally considered a positive time to do these practices. Other end of year activities could also include cleaning the household and shrine, resolving debts or disputes, and gathering energy for the new year.

The last day before Shambhala Day is a “neutral day” (февраль 9, 2024) on which we could do the final preparations for the New Year, having finished the practice from the 10 days before.