Již vzhůru: Vidět naši Buddhovu povahu

datum: sobota, Smět 18, 2024 (12:00 -17:00)
Neděle, Smět 19, 2024 (12:00 -17:00)
Cena za osobu: $199

Smět 18-19, 2024

12:00 - 5:00 odpoledne EDT

About the Retreat

V tomto víkendovém ústupu, prozkoumáme Buddhovo učení o buddhově přirozenosti a základní pravdu, že jsme „již vzhůru“.

Out of fear, we have tried to cover our awakened heart, but its brilliant and spacious presence keeps escaping and shines out into the world. Sometimes this brilliance feels weak or nonexistent, but in fact, it is always shining fully, even on our darkest days. This profound Buddhist teaching was controversial, regarded by some as a pacifying teaching for those too fearful to face the fathomless space of emptiness. In our tradition, it is regarded as the “lion’s roar”the fearless proclamation of unconditioned awareness.

Our weekend will ground itself in the sitting practice of meditation enriched by the compassion practices of the Four Limitless Ones and tonglen (sending and taking). We will delve into the heart of emptiness or openness, to which buddha nature is said to have the unique relationship of fullness. There will be walking meditation (inside and outside), talks with question/answer, small discussion groups, and spontaneous creativity.

We will use Chögyam Trungpa’s short but potent seminar, Glimpses of Mahayana, as our guide. The seminar of six talks is now republished with three other early seminars in a wonderful collection entitled Glimpses of the Profound, which it is highly recommended to purchase.

Retreat Topics

  • The practices of sitting and walking meditation
  • The Buddha’s teaching on buddha nature and that we have a "luminous mind" that is always present in uswhether we are aware of it or not!
  • What is preventing us from experiencing our buddha nature
  • Exploring the traditional Buddhist compassion practices of “The Four Limitless Onesand tonglen (translated as “sending and taking”)
  • Excerpts from Chögyam Trungpa’s book Glimpses of Mahayana

Live Sessions include:

  • Guided meditation
  • Guided contemplation
  • Talks by an experienced dharma teacher
  • Discussion groups
  • Otázka & lhůty pro odpověď


Otevřeno všem.

O Johnu Rockwellovi

John Rockwell byl na cestě dharmy pro 47 let. Setkal se tam s Chögyamem Trungpou Rinpočhem 1975 a studoval a praktikoval buddhistické a Shambhala učení pro 12 let s ním, a zejména s ním spolupracoval na překladech tibetských textů do angličtiny. Po deset let, studoval a učil na Naropa University v oddělení buddhistických studií. Po mnoho let, sloužil jako áčárja nebo starší učitel pro Sakyong Mipham Rinpočheho a také intenzivně studoval u Khenpo Tsultrima Gjamcchó Rinpočheho. Jeho inspirací je nyní otevřít srdce a smysly na místě.

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