Shambhala-Sonntagstreffen – authentische Führung für herausfordernde Zeiten

Datum: Sonntag, Januar 28, 2024 (15:00 -16:00)

Sonntagsversammlungen finden jede Woche LIVE statt 3:00 Uhr. IST

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Authentic Leadership encourages us to bring ourselves fully and creatively to our leadership challenges, and to invite others to do the same. By expanding self-awareness and skill, we become more responsive, rather than reactive, in challenging situations. This cultivates connection and compassion which inspires and motivates others. We can then begin to lead the changes we want to see in our teams, organizations and communities in an empowered and collaborative way. Participants will learn the three essential competencies of Authentic Leadership and explore how to apply them effectively in their communities and workplaces.

About Susan

Susan Skjei, Ph.D. is a Senior Teacher in the Shambhala Community. She has taught many programs and led retreats in the US, Canada and Europe. She studied with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche as well as other Tibetan Buddhist and Zen teachers. She has been a catalyst for positive change for leaders, executive teams and boards of nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government agencies for over 25 Jahre. She has a unique ability to create energetic and high trust learning environments that accelerate practical organizational results while building strong, collaborative relationships. Formerly Susan was a Vice-President and Chief Learning Officer in the technology industry, a co-founder of the ALIA Institute, and the founding Director of the Authentic Leadership Center at Naropa University. She loves being in nature and enjoys hiking, biking and landscape painting.