Prawdziwe Serce Smutku: Nawigacja po stracie i żałobie

Data: Środa, Kwiecień 24, 2024 (19:00 -20:30)

7:00-8:30 WSCHÓD

Darowizny są mile widziane!

O Sesji

You should examine yourself and ask how many times
you have tried to connect with your heart, fully and truly.

—Czogjam Trungpa Rinpocze

Podczas tej sesji on-line, we will explore Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s teachings on “the genuine heart of sadnessfrom the timeless classic, Szambala: Święta ścieżka wojownika. By reading and discussing this chapter together, we will uncover how to develop genuine care, tenderness, and sympathy towards ourselves and others. We will also dive into the teachings on basic goodnessthe truth that we are all fundamentally goodas well as teachings on “bodhichitta” (awakened mind/heart) and fearlessness. We will also discuss how to build a life alongside sadness and grief, rather than seeking to push it away or overcome it.

Szanujemy twoją prywatność. This program will not be recorded to protect the privacy of individuals who want to share their deep and heartfelt experiences of sadness, heartache, heartbreak, grief and more.


  • An exploration of profound teachings on sadness and other Shambhala and Buddhist teachings
  • An opportunity to tell the truth about sadness, smutek, love, and loss
  • Looking at our meditation sitting posture while holding sadness
  • A guided meditation on how to “hear your heart
  • An opportunity to practice in the comfort of your own home and/or practice space
  • An opportunity to share your experience in a safe and supportive contemplative community

Required Reading

Rozdział 3, “The Genuine Heart of Sadness," z Szambala: Święta ścieżka wojownika by Chögyam Trungpa

rekomendowane lektury (nie wymagane)

Rozdział 3, "Hearing the Hurt," z Navigating Grief and Loss: 25 Buddhist Practices to Keep your Heart Open to Yourself and Others by Kimberly Brown

Warunki wstępne

Otwarty dla wszystkich.

O nauczycielu

Aleja Smitha jest wyświęconym buddyjskim ministrem religii (Kapelan) w linii Szambali. Trzyma się także wskazań buddyzmu zen. Alley specializes in spiritual care, spraw pogrzebowych i jako duchowny pogrzebowy. Od tego czasu Alley jest studentką buddyzmu Szambali i zen 1999. She currently hosts, “Making Friends with Death & Umierający: Support Groupwith Shambhala Online. E-mail: [email protected]