Rassemblement dominical Shambhala : amitié spirituelle: Garde-corps sur le chemin de la Bodhicitta

Date : Dimanche, Mars 3, 2024 (15:00 -16:00)

Les rassemblements dominicaux sont en direct chaque semaine à 3:00 après-midi. EST

Les dons sont les bienvenus!

Our path begins by taking refuge in the Three Jewels, including the Noble Sangha, those great bodhisattvas and ordinary people like ourselves who show us that it's possible to live as fully open, tender human beings. When we're inspired to take the Bodhisattva Vow, these spiritual friends serve as protectors. They both encourage us to open and insult our ego-clinging habits. At the same time, we're reminded to 'be careful who you hang out with', keeping a careful watch on the tendency to slip into meaningless conversations and activities. In this talk we'll take a look at the role of 'kalyanamitra', spiritual relationship that extends not only from our teacher but also from our companions on the path of awakening.

À propos de l'enseignant

Susan Chapman has been a student of Shambhala since 1974.She has an MA in Buddhist and Western Psychology from Naropa University and is a retired family therapist. She spent nine years at Gampo Abbey before moving home to Vancouver, where she lives with her husband, Jerry. Dans 2020 she retired from her role as an acharya and as faculty for Karuna Training after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Her first book, Les cinq clés de la communication consciente, a été publié dans 2012. Her new book, Quel chemin est vers le haut? will be published in 2024.