Frieden praktizieren in Kriegszeiten: Buchgruppe

Datum: Dienstag, April 2, 2024 (19:00 -00:00)

7:00-8:30 Uhr OSTEN
Tuesdays: Apr 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30 & Kann 7

Über die Buchgruppe

Explore the profundity and wisdom of Frieden praktizieren in Kriegszeiten by Pema Chödrön in this guided book-group experience. Zusammen, participants will learn about Buddhist teachings on ethics, hatred, aggression, and navigating difficult and intense emotions. We will learn how to harness the energy of our experience to practice true peace with great courage and an open heart.

This book group is open to all levels of experience. No previous understanding of meditation or Buddhism is required.

Group Sessions Breakdown

April 2—Kapitel 1: Frieden praktizieren in Kriegszeiten

April 9—Kapitel 2: The Courage to Wait

April 16—Kapitel 3: Not Biting the Hook

April 2—Kapitel 4: Changing Our Attitude Toward Pain

April 30—Kapitel 5: Compassionate Abiding

May 7—Kapitel 6: Positive Insecurity 

What You Will Receive

  • A virtual safe space to practice mindful communication, emotional intelligence, courage, bravery and tenderness
  • An opportunity to look at Buddhist ethics, non-violence and our attitude toward war, pain and suffering
  • An opportunity to practice mediation in community from the comfort of your home/practice space
  • An opportunity to practice Tonglena traditional Buddhist practice where we “take inand acknowledge the suffering of ourselves and others and “send outcompassion and ease
  • Discussions on how to cultivate internal and external equanimity

Erforderlicher Lesestoff

Practicing Peace in Times of War von Pema Chödron—Please purchase the text from your preferred vendor. The text will not be screen-shared.


Offen für alle Erfahrungsstufen. No previous understanding of meditation or Buddhism is required.

Über den Lehrer

Alley Smith is an ordained (Upadhyaya) Buddhist Chaplain in the Shambhala Lineage at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Sie hält auch Lehren des Zen-Buddhismus. Alley ist ein Kriegsveteran des US-Militärs. During her military career, she was a member of the Honor Guard and Military Funeral Honors programs in the Marine Corps and Navy Reserve. Seitdem ist sie eine Schülerin des Shambhala-Buddhismus und des Zen 1999. Derzeit ist sie Gastgeberin, Sich mit dem Tod anfreunden & Sterben: Support Group with Shambhala Online.

Alley’s email: [email protected]