在废墟中工作: 在混乱的世界中寻找出路

日期: 周四, 七月 18, 2024 (15:00 -16:30)
每人价格: $15

七月 18

3:00 - 4:30 下午. 东方 / 8:00 - 9:30 下午. CEST


At Work in the Ruins is an exploration of how we can find our place in the world in a time of science, climate change, pandemics, and all the other emergencies we face in this current age. “Climate change asks us questions that climate science cannot answer,” Dougald says. Questions like, how did we end up in this mess? Is it just a piece of bad luck with atmospheric chemistryor is it the result of a way of approaching the world that would always have brought us to such a pass? How we answer such questions also has consequences. Through our over-reliance on the single lens of science, Dougald posits that we are blinded to the nature of the crises around and ahead of us, leading to ‘solutionsthat can only make things worse. 加入一场对话,表明我们是否坚定地前进并面对我们所陷入的困境, 它可以帮助我们找到值得做的工作, 即使在废墟中.

About Dougald

Dougald Hine is a social thinker, writer and speaker. After an early career as a BBC journalist, he co-founded organisations including the Dark Mountain Project and a school called HOME. He has collaborated with scientists, artists and activists, serving as a leader of artistic development at Riksteatern (Sweden’s national theatre) and as an associate of the Centre for Environment and Development Studies at Uppsala University. His latest book is 在废墟中工作: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics & All the Other Emergencies (2023). He co-hosts The Great Humbling podcast and publishes a Substack called Writing Home.

About the Eco-Dharma Talk Series

七月 16-20

3:00 - 4:30 下午. 东 / 8:00 - 9:30 下午. CEST

15 美元 / EUR per session

This event is part of the 生态佛法讲座系列: Exploring Where A Mindful Life and Ecology Meet with Dougald Hine, Helena Norberg-Hodge, 亚当·洛贝尔, Catherine McGee, Liane Stephan, and Christian Daniel Wahl.

Topics in this five-day Eco-Dharma Talk series range from circular economies, 当地食物的重要性, finding our way in the midst of climate and other crises, “可持续发展的内在维度," 以及我们与神圣地球的联系. This talk series is being offered by Shambhala Online, in collaboration with Dechen Chöling Retreat Centre in France, and hosted by the Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective.

Session Topics and Presenters:

七月 16 - Designing Regenerative Cultures with Christian Daniel Wahl

七月 17 - Local Food Can Save the World with Helena Norberg-Hodge

七月 18 - 在废墟中工作: Finding Our Way In A Chaotic World with Dougald Hine

七月 19 - Inner Green Deal with Liane Stephan

七月 20 - This Sacred Earth with Catherine McGee and Adam Lobel

Each live session will include:

  • A brief guided meditation
  • A one-hour presentation
  • Time for exchange and questions
  • Connection with other meditation practitioners interested in the intersection between a mindful life, 佛教, ecology, and care for our planet

Join one session or join them all. We can't wait to see you there!

This online talk series is part of an in-person retreat being hosted at Dechen Chöling Retreat Centre in Limoges, France. To find out more and join in-person at Dechen Chöling, visit the Dechen Chöling retreat registration page

请注意: 价格以美元计算 . 申请折扣 您注册以考虑汇率或其他折扣.
