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The Nirmanakaya is the form body represented by the historical Gautama Buddha. The Sambhogakaya is the realm of Buddhas, realized Bodhisattvas, and yidam deities. The Nirmanakaya is the ultimate Buddha Mind, measureless and beyond grasping.
This traditional idealized presentation may seem remote and distant. We might ask, “But what does this have to do with me? And in particular, what does the realm of Sambhogakaya have to do with my experience as an ordinary human being?” Answering these questions is the aim of our talk.
About Billy
Billy Boyar, PhD, (Karma Sherab Dorje) had a career as a professor of English. He had been a Zen Buddhist practitioner for ten years when he encountered Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1985. After that, he immediately joined Vajradathu (now Shambhala), where he taught Shambhala levels and Buddhist classes. Currently he focuses his teaching on the tradition of Trungpa Rinpoche and his Kagyu/Nyingma lineages. He mentors a group made up of ngondro tantrikas and Vajrayogini sadhakas.