Droga Szambali & Inne kursy

Shambhala Online multi-week courses feature senior teachers and interactive learning experiences. These Shambhala training classes are designed for those without access to teachers or who need a class before it’s offered at the local center. Each course offers weekly video talks that can be viewed at your convenience, plus meditation assignments, reflection prompts, readings and online discussions.
.The course was great; the Acharya was great; everything was very organized and presented in a very understandable way. Thanks for offering this series online!” Happy Online Participant


How do courses work?
When do classes meet?
How much time does it take?

WOSThe Droga Szambali is a complete series on authentic meditation practices and teachings open to all interested students. The curriculum is comprised of sequential courses that provide an experiential overview of meditation practices, wisdom teachings, contemplative arts, and physical disciplines rooted in the ancient traditions of Shambhala and Vajrayana Buddhism. Each course in the Everyday Life series consists of five pre-recorded classes. Courses in the Basic Goodness series each have six pre-recorded classes. Click here to see course descriptions and preview video clips.

Nadchodzące kursy

The start date is shown for each course below. Most courses are open for six to eight weeks. You’ll complete the course in your own time. If there are any live meetings or events associated with the course, this will be noted in the course description. pytania? Contact [email protected]

szkło powiększające-z-okiem_318-9915Nie widać żadnego/wielu programów? Spróbuj się zalogować. Programy nie będą wyświetlane, jeśli 1) twoje konto Szambali nie pokazuje wymagań wstępnych dla nadchodzących programów, 2) nie jesteś zalogowany po prawej stronie, lub 3) nie ma nadchodzących programów tego typu.

Data: Sobota, Czerwiec 22, 2024 - 23 Czerwiec
Nauczyciele: Janet Solyntjes & Elaine Yuen

Ta seria trzech weekendów ma na celu pomóc praktykującym medytację, którzy są zainteresowani rozwojem jako Instruktorzy Medytacji (MI) i wspieraj je w rozwijaniu umiejętności pomagania innym.


Data: Sobota, Wrzesień 14, 2024 - 15 Wrzesień
Nauczyciel: Ewa Rosenthal


Data: Poniedziałek, Grudzień 27, 2027
Nauczyciel: Kristine McCutcheon

This course is comprised of asynchronous, recorded talks you may view at your convenience. Zawiera również płuca do praktyki i internetowe forum dyskusyjne. The text can be ordered once you have received the lung.


Nauczyciel: Ewa Rosenthal

Pod koniec roku i w trudnych chwilach, Praktyka Wadżrakilaji łączy nas z gniewnym współczuciem w celu pokonania przeszkód i döns. Dołącz do nas na nagrane przemówienia Eve Rosenthal i prowadzoną praktykę Vajrakilaya.


Data: Wtorek, Grudzień 31, 2030
Nauczyciel: dr. Julia Sagebien

Dołącz do dr. Julia Sagebien exploring Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s teachings on Vajra Politics.


Data: Sobota, Grudzień 31, 2033
Nauczyciele: Stephanie Romero & Mark Blumenfeld & Jim Fladmark & Janet Ryvlin & Janet Bronstein & Erika Berland & Emily Bower & Denise Blanc

A course on embodied and trauma informed meditation instruction, belonging, and related topics. For Shambhala Guides and Meditation Instructors for both initial training and continuing education.



Frequently Asked Questions About Courses

How do courses work?

Shambhala Online courses feature recorded talks by senior Shambhala teachers, an online community of participants, and facilitation by experienced course leaders. Nad 6 do 8 tygodnie, course participants view recorded teachings at their convenience, następnie zbierz się w środowisku nauki online, aby omówić, contemplate and engage in exercises aimed at deepening their understanding. New sessions begin every 2 lub 3 months.


When do the classes meet?

Our courses are designed to fit with your schedule. The main talks are pre-recorded, so you can view them when convenient. Courses consist of modules that include a main talk, reading assignments, discussion prompts and possibly other assignments. In general, we recommend completing a module each week. This allows you to go through the course with a virtual community, engage in discussions, and learn from each other. Some courses also include a live meeting or two; the timing for live meetings is usually arranged in the first week of the course.


How much time does it take?

Each course is unique, but a good rule of thumb is to allow at least 2 lub 3 hours per week to view the talks and engage with the material. Each talk is usually an hour or less. Keep in mind that the more you invest in the course, the more you’ll learn and grow. It’s a good idea to block time for the course on your calendar, just as you would for an in-person course.

Other questions?

Contact us by emailing [email protected]