New to Shambhala Online?

欢迎, 朋友! Here are a few tips to make your online experience go a bit smoother.

箭– 登录. 在每一页的右侧, 你会发现一个登录区. 登录可解锁所有香巴拉美食, 包括能够注册在线课程并查找您过去参加过的课程. 使用相同的用户名和密码, 香巴拉网络, and the Shambhala database. 没有香巴拉账户? 别担心, creating one is free and easy. 只需点击这里.

– 找到你的东西. 登录后, 您将在右侧栏中看到您最近的注册和一些过去的程序. 查看您曾经在线完成的所有直播节目, 点击 All My Programs.


ProgramLibrary DropdownFind New Teachings. Use the Program Library (under the LEARN drop-down menu in the top navigation bar) to search for program content or talks by your favorite teachers. For example, search for Ngöndro programs or everything taught by Acharya Eve Rosenthal. Everything shows up in reverse chronological order, with the most recent programs at the top.



SupportGet Tech Support. Click on the Support tab in the upper navigation bar for tips on taming your technology, including recommendations for browsers, and suggestions to improve video and audio.




bookmark– 经常光顾. 新事物总是不断涌现, 包括您想了解的免费视频和在线程序. Take a sec to bookmark Shambhala Online right now!



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