Category Archives: Non classé

Voir à deux yeux avec Albert Marshall–Enregistrement maintenant disponible ici!

Rejoignez-nous pour cette conversation avec Albert Marshall, HonDLitt – Nation Mi’kmaw, animé par Christine Heming.

Samedi, Juillet 25 à 4:00 pm (atlantique).

Les militants du changement climatique appellent les peuples autochtones à faire partie de la solution pour lutter contre le changement climatique., mettant l’accent sur leur sagesse traditionnelle et leurs connaissances pratiques. La vision à deux yeux de l’aîné Albert Marshall est un principe directeur sur la manière d’unir la sagesse et les connaissances autochtones à la science et à la technologie occidentales dans un effort collaboratif visant à co-apprendre comment vivre sur cette terre de manière équilibrée et durable..

Albert Marshall est un aîné très respecté et très apprécié de la nation Mi’kmaq.; il vit dans la Première Nation Eskasoni à Unama’ki (Cap-Breton), Nouvelle-Écosse, et est un ardent défenseur de la compréhension et de la guérison interculturelles., et de nos responsabilités humaines de prendre soin de toutes les créatures et de notre Terre Mère.

Selon les mots d'Albert:  "C'est donc ce que nous croyons vraiment. C'est ce qui renforce nos spiritualités: qu'aucun être n'est plus grand que le suivant, que nous faisons partie intégrante du tout, nous sommes égaux, et que chacun de nous a une responsabilité dans l’équilibre du système ».

S'il vous plaît, profitez de l'enregistrement!

Vous pouvez également lire le transcription ici!

MOVIE OF THE MONTH– Jeudi, Avril 15 at 7pm (atlantique)

From November 2020 to April 2021, we will offer a film to watch on your own time and a scheduled Zoom meeting to have a discussion based on the topic(s) presented in the film. The program will present a broad spectrum of views on our relationship with this earth and will include both documentaries and features from around the world.

les jeudis: Avril 15
At: 4:00 pm (MT) / 6:00 pm (HE) / 7:00 pm (AT)
Lien Zoom:
Code d'accès: STECfilm
ID de réunion: 895 1609 7467

1- We announce the movie in this newsletter and on the Collective’s website
2- You watch it at home or with a friend before the discussion date
3- We discuss it online in a Zoom Room, with a break-out groups format

Our Programmer for this series is British-born film brat Angela Pressburger, who has been a Program Consultant for the Vancouver International Film Festival since 2000 and has sat on documentary juries for both the Vancouver and Seattle film festivals. Dans 2001, Angela founded the Sunshine Coast Film Society, which is still running, et en 2012 she started the Tatamagouche Movie Group, many of whose members will be joining us for this film series. At one point she wrote a movie review column for the Shambhala Sun and she is also the co-founder of the short-lived Shambhala Agricultural Foundation, which turns out to have been just a little before its time.

April Films:

After a lively conversation about Africa and the state of protecting the land there at our last discussion, we decided we wanted to further explore the topic of soil”. These are two of the best on the topic as well as being excellent documentaries which will keep you entertained as you learn. Watch the films if you can, and if you’re inspired, please join us for the discussion

THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM, 2018, Etats-Unis, 91 min.
Recognitions: Best Feature Documentary, Rocher, Denver, Heartland, Hamptons, Miami, Mill Valley, Newport Beach, Palm Springs, Sarasota, Sedona, Thessaloniki, and Toronto; plus numerous Critics Awards.

A testament to the immense complexity of nature, The Biggest Little Farm follows two dreamers and a dog on an odyssey to bring harmony to both their lives and the land. When the barking of their beloved dog Todd leads to an eviction notice from their tiny LA apartment, John and Molly Chester make a choice that takes them out of the city and onto 200 acres in the foothills of Ventura County, naively endeavoring to build one of the most diverse farms of its kind in complete coexistence with nature. The land they’ve chosen, toutefois, is utterly depleted of nutrients and suffering from a brutal drought. The film chronicles eight years of daunting work and outsize idealism as they attempt to create the utopia they seek, planting 10,000 orchard trees and over 200 different crops, and bringing in animals of every kind– including an unforgettable pig named Emma and her best friend, Greasy the rooster. When the farm’s ecosystem finally begins to reawaken, so does the Chesters’ hope – but as their plan to create perfect harmony takes a series of wild turns, they realize that to survive they will have to reach a far greater understanding of the intricacies and wisdom of nature, and of life itself.


KISS THE GROUND, 202, Etats-Unis, 84 min.
Recognitions: Best Documentary, LA Doc., London International Film Festival; and many Critics Awards.

About two-thirds of the world’s soil is desertifying, and the remaining topsoil will be gone within 60 années. Pesticides rebranded for farms from toxic chemicals developed by German scientist Fritz Haber, who also developed the poisons used in the gas chambers of the Holocaust, have been turning the world’s soil into dirt for decades, leading to poverty and global warming. There is hope, toutefois, with “regenerative agriculture,” which could balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world.

Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell examine the eye-opening history of soil narrated by three-time Academy Award® nominee and environmental activist Woody Harrelson. Including historical context about the Dust Bowl—the largest man-made environmental disaster—the film follows modern-day conservationists such as Ray Archuleta, who teaches farmers regenerative agriculture, and French Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll, who introduced the “4 per 1,000” Initiative, which 30 countries signed except for the US, China, et l'Inde. Kiss the Ground takes us around the world, showing a global movement to regenerate the world’s soil

Link to Watch the Film:
In Canada or the US: Netflix


Online Discussion: Jeudi, Avril 15, à 7:00 après-midi. atlantique / 6:00 après-midi. Est

Lien Zoom: de passe =ZHZVbUtndEJVMU53dXdMVVYrdTFyZz09
Code d'accès: STECfilm
ID de réunion: 895 1609 7467

See you in the Movie Zoom Room!


Corona and Climate ChangeDiscussion with Minister Isabella Lövin and Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer, facilitated by Christoph Schönherr

UNA Germany (DGVN) and the Swedish Embassy in Germany jointly hosted a virtual discussion on the connections between climate change and the Corona Pandemic on 24 Septembre 2020 avec – the Swedish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Environment and Climate Isabella Lövin.

Here is the recording of the event that Christoph Schönherr had the honor of moderating a few weeks ago. The full recording lasts one hour.

Click here to view the recording.

The most interesting parts are Prof. Edenhofer’s responses at the following times:
15:55 min
35:00 min
45:40 min
54:15 min

Great progress!!




Archive of Recorded Talks and Live Events

You can find here the recordings of live events, sponsored by Shambhala Online and the Touching the Earth Collective


November Earth Salon: Elemental Body avec Erika Berland

September Earth Salon: Seed Saving avec Bob Cervelli

August Earth Salon: À la recherche de nourriture sauvage avec Jeff Scott

July Earth Salon: The Time of Plenty with David Takahashi

June Earth Salon: Personnages végétaux with Lanny Harrison and Hannah Pearl Walcott

May Earth Salon: Cuisine de pissenlit with Deborah Luscomb and David Wimberly

April Earth SalonAlign your Money with your Values: Individual Divestment avec Michael Richardson

Spring Nyida Day 2022

March Earth Salon Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Love Letters to the Earth with Nyingje Gonpel.

Winter Solstice-Children’s Day Celebration hosted by Touching the Earth Collective

December Earth Salon: Medicinal Plants avec Savayda Jarone

November Earth Salon: Trouvez vos racines - dans la cave à racines avec David Wimberley

Toucher la planète Terre: Our Oceanic Heritage with Cynthia Moku-October 23

Touching The Earth Collective Community Meeting of October 10

October Earth Salon: Aventures dans les bulles et la saumure: Glanages de fermentation des maîtres de la Nouvelle-Écosse with Phil Moscovitch

Moisson de la paix; hosted by Touching the Earth Collective-Septembre 21 2021

September Earth Salon: Ici hier - disparu aujourd'hui? with Agnes Au and Daniel Naistadt

July Earth Salon: Une excursion dans les quatre champs avec Adam Lobel

Summer Solstice-Midsummers Day June 20, 2021

June Earth Salon: Rencontrer la Terre à Karme Chöling ~ les Foragers

May Earth Salon: For the Love of Container Garden (Peut 9, 2021) avec Karen Llewellyn

Earth Day Celebration (Avril 25) with Jocabed Solano

Enterrement vert (Mars 2021) avec Dawn Carson et Hanna Longard

Climate Awareness and the Dharma (Mars 9, 2021) with Irene Woodard

Ciel / Terre / Cœur: Une façon de rencontrer le monde (Jan 16, 2021) avec Barbara Bash

Children’s Day 2020-Hosted by Touching the Earth Colllective

Working with Eco-Anxiety (Déc 13) avec Mélissa Moore

Humanity at a Crossroads, Partie 1 & 2 (Oct 17 & Nov 14) hosted by Richard Reoch

Jardins de la victoire climatique (Nov. 7) avec Bob Cervelli

24 Heures de réalité: Compte à rebours vers l'avenir (Octobre 10) with Mayela Manasjan and David Takahashi

Gratitude (October Earth Salon), hosted by Deborah Luscomb and David Wimberly

Touching the Earth Collective’s community meeting of Sept. 26

Poulets de basse-cour (September Earth Salon) avec Charlotte Mendel

Laissez vos valeurs de durabilité montrer la voie, with Mayela Manasjan (Août 15, 2020)

Elder Albert Marshall’s Two-Eyed Seeing (Juillet 25, 2020)

Drala Offerings avec Agness Au & Daniel Naistadt (3 Recordings from May, Juin, et juillet 2020)

Rassemblement du dimanche: Toucher la Terre: A celebration of Midsummer’s Day with Irene Woodard (Juin 21, 2020)

Se réveiller dans la crise climatique: From Despair to Engagement avec le docteur. Renée Lertzman (Peut 24, 2020)

This is the Moment We Have Been Training For–Recording, a creative conversation in honor of Earth Day, avec Acharya Judith Simmer-Brown et Jeff Wagner. (Avril 26, 2020)

Our House is on Fire: Responding to the Climate Crisis
Zoom meeting with Boston Shambhala Center,
and Irene Woodard. (Mars 28, 2020)