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Two-Eyed Seeing with Elder Albert MarshallRecording now available here!

Join us for this conversation with Elder Albert Marshall, HonDLittMi’kmaw Nation, facilitated by Christine Heming.

周六, 七月 25 在 4:00 下午 (大西洋).

Climate change activists have been calling for indigenous peoples to be part of the solution to tackling climate change, emphasizing their traditional wisdom and practical knowledge. Elder Albert Marshall’s two-eyed seeing is a guiding principle for how to join indigenous wisdom and knowledge with Western science and technology in a collaborative effort of co-learning how to live on this earth in a balanced and sustainable way.

Albert Marshall is a highly respected and much-loved Elder of the Mi’kmaw Nation; he lives in Eskasoni First Nation in Unama’ki (Cape Breton), 新斯科舍省, and is a passionate advocate of cross-cultural understandings and healing, and of our human responsibilities to care for all creatures and our Earth Mother.

In Albert’s words“So this is what we truly believe. This is what reinforces our spiritualities: that no one being is greater than the next, that we are part and parcel of the whole, we are equal, and that each one of us has a responsibility to the balance of the system”.

Please enjoy the recording!

You can also read the transcript here!

本月电影– 周四, 四月 15 晚上 7 点 (大西洋)

从 11 月开始 2020 到四月 2021, 我们将提供电影供您在自己的时间观看,并安排 Zoom 会议根据主题进行讨论(s) 在电影中呈现. 该节目将就我们与地球的关系提出广泛的看法,并将包括来自世界各地的纪录片和专题片.

星期四: 四月 15
在: 4:00 下午 (公吨) / 6:00 下午 (外星人) / 7:00 下午 (在)
密码: STECfilm
会议编号: 895 1609 7467

1- 我们在本时事通讯和集体网站上宣布这部电影
2- 您在讨论日期之前在家或与朋友一起观看
3- 我们在 Zoom Room 中在线讨论, 具有分组格式

我们这个系列的程序员是英国出生的电影小子 安吉拉·普雷斯伯格, 此后一直担任温哥华国际电影节的项目顾问 2000 并担任温哥华和西雅图电影节的纪录片评审团成员. 在 2001, 安吉拉创立了阳光海岸电影协会, 仍在运行, 并且在 2012 她创办了Tatamagouche电影集团, 他们的许多成员将加入我们的电影系列. 有一次,她为《香巴拉太阳报》写了一篇影评专栏,她还是短命的香巴拉农业基金会的联合创始人, 事实证明,这比它的时代早了一点.


在我们上次讨论非洲和那里的土地保护状况进行了热烈的讨论之后, 我们决定要进一步探讨 “土壤”. 这是该主题中最好的两部,也是出色的纪录片,可以让您在学习时保持娱乐. 可以的话看电影, 如果你受到启发, 请加入我们的讨论

最大的小农场, 2018, 美国, 91 分钟.
认可: 最佳专题纪录片, 博尔德, 丹佛, 心脏地带, 汉普顿, 迈阿密, 米尔谷, 纽波特海滩, 棕榈泉, 萨拉索塔, 塞多纳, 塞萨洛尼基, 和多伦多; 加上众多评论家奖.

证明大自然的巨大复杂性, 最大的小农场 跟随两个梦想家和一条狗踏上一段冒险之旅,为他们的生活和土地带来和谐. 当他们心爱的狗托德的吠叫导致他们在洛杉矶的小公寓发出驱逐通知时, 约翰和莫莉切斯特做出了一个选择,将他们带出城市 200 文图拉县山脚下的英亩数, 天真地努力建立与自然完全共存的同类农场中最多样化的农场之一. 他们选择的土地, 然而, 营养完全枯竭,遭受严重干旱. 这部电影记录了他们八年艰巨的工作和超大的理想主义,因为他们试图创造他们所寻求的乌托邦, 种植 10,000 果树及以上 200 不同的作物, 并引进各种动物——包括一只名叫艾玛的令人难忘的猪和她最好的朋友, 油腻的公鸡. 当农场的生态系统终于开始苏醒时, 切斯特一家的希望也是如此——但随着他们创造完美和谐的计划经历了一系列疯狂的转变, 他们意识到,为了生存,他们必须对大自然的复杂性和智慧有更深入的了解, 和生活本身.


亲吻地面, 202, 美国, 84 分钟.
认可: 最佳纪录片, 在文档。, 伦敦国际电影节; 和许多评论家奖.

世界上大约三分之二的土壤正在荒漠化, 剩下的表土将在里面消失 60 年. 德国科学家弗里茨·哈伯(Fritz Haber)开发的有毒化学品为农场重新命名农药, 他还开发了大屠杀毒气室中使用的毒药, 几十年来一直在把世界的土壤变成泥土, 导致贫困和全球变暖. 还有希望, 然而, 与“再生农业,“这可以平衡我们的气候, 补充我们庞大的水源, 养活世界.

乔什·蒂克尔 (Josh Tickell) 和丽贝卡·蒂克尔 (Rebecca Tickell) 考察了由三届奥斯卡奖提名者和环保活动家伍迪·哈里森 (Woody Harrelson) 讲述的令人大开眼界的土壤历史. 包括有关沙尘暴的历史背景——最大的人为环境灾难——这部电影跟随现代环保主义者,如雷·阿丘莱塔, 谁教农民再生农业, 法国农业部长 Stéphane Le Foll, 谁提出了“千分之四”倡议, 哪个 30 除美国外签署的国家, 中国, 和印度. 亲吻大地 带我们环游世界, 展示了一场全球性的全球运动,以使世界土壤再生

在加拿大或美国: 网飞


在线讨论: 周四, 四月 15, 在 7:00 下午. 大西洋 / 6:00 下午. 东

密码: STECfilm
会议编号: 895 1609 7467



Corona and Climate ChangeDiscussion with Minister Isabella Lövin and Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer, facilitated by Christoph Schönherr

UNA Germany (DGVN) and the Swedish Embassy in Germany jointly hosted a virtual discussion on the connections between climate change and the Corona Pandemic on 24 九月 2020 和 – the Swedish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Environment and Climate Isabella Lövin.

Here is the recording of the event that Christoph Schönherr had the honor of moderating a few weeks ago. The full recording lasts one hour.

Click here to view the recording.

The most interesting parts are Prof. Edenhofer’s responses at the following times:
15:55 分钟
35:00 分钟
45:40 分钟
54:15 分钟

Great progress!!




Archive of Recorded Talks and Live Events

You can find here the recordings of live events, sponsored by Shambhala Online and the Touching the Earth Collective


November Earth Salon: Elemental Body with Erika Berland

September Earth Salon: Seed Saving with Bob Cervelli

August Earth Salon: Foraging for Wild Food 与杰夫·斯科特

July Earth Salon: The Time of Plenty with David Takahashi

June Earth Salon: Plant Characters with Lanny Harrison and Hannah Pearl Walcott

May Earth Salon: Dandelion Cuisine with Deborah Luscomb and David Wimberly

April Earth SalonAlign your Money with your Values: Individual Divestment with Michael Richardson

Spring Nyida Day 2022

March Earth Salon Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Love Letters to the Earth with Nyingje Gonpel.

Winter Solstice-Children’s Day Celebration hosted by Touching the Earth Collective

December Earth Salon: Medicinal Plants with Savayda Jarone

November Earth Salon: Find Your Roots – in the Root Cellar with David Wimberley

触摸地球: Our Oceanic Heritage with Cynthia Moku-October 23

Touching The Earth Collective Community Meeting of October 10

October Earth Salon: Adventures in Bubbles and Brine: Fermentation Gleanings from Nova Scotia Masters with Phil Moscovitch

和平的收获; hosted by Touching the Earth Collective-九月 21 2021

September Earth Salon: Here Yesterday – Gone Today? with Agnes Au and Daniel Naistadt

July Earth Salon: A Fieldtrip into the Four Fields 与亚当洛贝尔

Summer Solstice-Midsummers Day June 20, 2021

June Earth Salon: Meeting the Earth at Karme Chöling ~ the Foragers

May Earth Salon: For the Love of Container Garden (可能 9, 2021) with Karen Llewellyn

Earth Day Celebration (四月 25) with Jocabed Solano

Green Burial (行进 2021) with Dawn Carson and Hanna Longard

Climate Awareness and the Dharma (行进 9, 2021) with Irene Woodard

天空 / 地球 / 心: 认识世界的一种方式 (简 16, 2021) 与芭芭拉·巴什

Children’s Day 2020-Hosted by Touching the Earth Colllective

Working with Eco-Anxiety (十二月 13) 与梅丽莎摩尔

人类在十字路口, 部分 1 & 2 (十月 17 & 十一月 14) hosted by Richard Reoch

Climate Victory Gardens (十一月. 7) with Bob Cervelli

24 现实时刻: 未来倒计时 (十月 10) with Mayela Manasjan and David Takahashi

Gratitude (October Earth Salon), hosted by Deborah Luscomb and David Wimberly

Touching the Earth Collective’s community meeting of Sept. 26

Backyard Chickens (September Earth Salon) with Charlotte Mendel

让您的可持续发展价值观引领潮流, with Mayela Manasjan (八月 15, 2020)

Elder Albert Marshall’s Two-Eyed Seeing (七月 25, 2020)

Drala Offerings 与 Agness Au & 丹尼尔·奈斯塔特 (3 Recordings from May, 六月, 和七月 2020)

主日聚会: 触摸地球: A celebration of Midsummer’s Day with Irene Woodard (六月 21, 2020)

在气候危机中醒来: From Despair to Engagement with Dr. 蕾妮·勒兹曼 (可能 24, 2020)

This is the Moment We Have Been Training For–Recording, a creative conversation in honor of Earth Day, 与阿查里亚·朱迪思·西默·布朗和杰夫·瓦格纳一起. (四月 26, 2020)

Our House is on Fire: Responding to the Climate Crisis
Zoom meeting with Boston Shambhala Center,
and Irene Woodard. (行进 28, 2020)

单元 2: 修施身法的肺

Please listen to the instructions in the introduction in Unit 1 before the lung.

Find a quiet space and uninterrupted time. Don’t take notes, just listen and let the words soak into you, Khenpo Rinpoche suggests visualizing Machik Labdrön herself giving you the lung.