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Touching the Earth page


«Рассмотрение того, где мы находимся и что мы, на месте, оказывается очень важным. Мы говорим о фермерской ситуации в некотором смысле: как мы собираемся правильно воспринимать землю, настоящая земля, the land that grows crops and the land on which animals are raised.

When we first wake up in our bedrooms, first thing in the morning, it would be so great if the first incense we smelled were either cow or horse manure or the smell of plants. We have to go back and experience how the earth works, rather than purely smelling our neighbor’s bacon cooking as soon as we wake up, and hearing taxicabs roaring and garbage trucks rumbling. We should all experience working on the land, literally and properly. That is the best way to wake ourselves up: smelling earth, actually experiencing good earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are a lot of problems that have come up because, since medieval times, the process of conquering the world has been based on conquering the earth
instead of touching ground, touching soil properly.”
From “Nowness,” a talk at the 1979 Калапа Ассамблея.

The Earth Salon is intended to bring us together to explore the greater implications of our bodhisattva vow. We hope to include guided practices, as well as guest speakers to focus on how our daily activities bind us or alienate us from the earth we share with all creatures.
How do we rouse our intention? How do we move from intention to action? How do we build resilience and appreciation? How do we create a pathway for caring activity on this earth?
Together we will investigate these questions and more while looking at food & gardening, housing & construction, travel, clothing, energy, consumption, and many other areas that will undoubtedly arise during our conversations.


Салон «Август Земля»

Foraging for Wild Food

with Jeff Scott

In the autumn of 2021, Jeff Scott embarked on a year-long journey into foraging for wild foods within walking distance of his home in Boulder, Колорадо. In the August Earth Salon, he will share his journey: what inspired this exploration, what connections he is making to his spiritual life, what ecological realizations are arising, what culinary discoveries, и более.


The monthly Earth Salons are an initiative of the Прикосновение к Земле Коллектив, and are curated and co-facilitated by David Wimberly and Deborah Luscomb, with occasional guest ‘experts’.

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Passcode: sacred
We appreciate your donation in any amount!
Click here to contribute
The money collected will be used to offer an honorarium to our guest teachers.


Previous Earth Salons

With Jeff Scott
Click here to access the recording


With David Takahashi
Click here to access the recording


Plant Characters:
Creative Connections with our Plancestors

With Lanny Harisson and Hanna Pearl Walcott
Click here to access the recording


Dandelion Cuisine
With David Wimbledon & Дебора Ласкомб
Click here to access the recording


Align your money with your values…
individual divestment
with Michael Richardson
Click here to access the recording


Love Letters to Mother Earth
by Thich Nhat Hanh
with Nyingje Gompel
Click here to access the recording

The Mindfulness Bell Autumn 2014

You can read and download the love letters by нажмите здесь!


Basic Medicinal Herbs
with Savayda Jarone.
Click here to access the recording


Find Your Roots – in the Root Cellar:
All About Cold Storage
with David Wimberley
Click here to access the recording

Adventures in Bubbles and Brine:
Fermentation Gleanings from Nova Scotia Masters
with Philip Moscovitch
Click here to access the recording


Here Yesterday – Gone Today?
How to find a Drala Spot when the natural environment becomes increasingly less hospitable.
с Агнесс Ау & Даниэль Найштадт
Click here to access the recording


A Fieldtrip into the Four Fields: Towards an Eco-Political Spirituality
With Adam Lobel
Click here to access the recording


Meeting the Earth at Karme Chöling ~ the Foragers
Click here to access the recording


For the Love of Container Gardening with Karen Llewellyn
Click here to access the recording

Green Burial with Dawn Carson and Hanna Longard
Click here to access the recording


Wild Bees are Backyard Bees with Michelle McPherson
Click here to access the recording




Living with Eco-Anxiety с Мелиссой Мур
Click here to access the recording



Climate Victory Gardens with Bob Cervelli
Click here to access the recording




Gratitude with Deborah Luscomb and David Wimberley
Click here to access the recording!




Backyard Chickens with Charlotte Mendel
Click here to access the recording!


The Zoom meetings are free and open to all, but we do appreciate donations.
(Zoom info below.)


Тема: Earth Salon
Время: Every month, on the Second Sunday, 7 occurrence(с)
Passcode: Sacred
Идентификатор встречи: 81262050347

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Сдерживая горе с открытым сердцем, Воскресенье, декабрь. 4что 6:30вечера (ET)

Изменение климата и ухудшение состояния окружающей среды сейчас гораздо более очевидны, чем даже несколько лет назад.. Мы слышим о более суровых климатических явлениях и испытываем на себе их последствия, и мы все вынуждены приспосабливаться к изменяющимся реалиям.

In the face of such large challenges, it is common to shut down, get numb, feel overwhelmed and helpless. Acknowledging grief about the changes and losses can free us up to engage in the actions we can take as individuals and collectively.

Grief has been spoken of as an “initiation” that can transform us and enhance our path to awakening. It is also not meant to be done alone. Communal grief rituals have been practiced in all cultures for support with processing grief.

A monthly group called “Сдерживая горе с открытым сердцем” was created to offer a safe place to go deeper with sharing grief in community. Эл. адрес [email protected] for information on how to join. Meetings occur the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 pm Eastern time.

Сентябрьский Салон Земли – Все об экономии семян овощей в воскресенье, Сентябрь. 11

The Earth Salon


All About Vegetable Seed Saving

with Bob Cervelli.

Цены на продукты резко растут, и конца этому не видно, and seed prices
are going up as well. С небольшим дополнительным усилием, it’s possible to grow many of your
own seeds and store them to use for several years in the future.

During this webinar, we will talk about everything to do with seeds, включая
when and how to harvest and properly store your own seeds. Many different
types of seeds will be covered. Также, we will discuss the magic of seeds, seed
types, seed life span and how to perform germination tests.

Воскресенье, Сентябрь 11, 2022
Noon – 1:30 pm ADT (11am – 12:30 вечер по восточному времени)

Passcode: sacred

Robert Cervelli is a botanist and forester by academic training and has worked
in a variety of capacities in the horticultural industry. He is a co-founder and
Chair of Transition Bay St Margarets Bay (, one of the first
Transition Initiatives in the Maritimes. Robert is also the Vice-President of the
Centre for Local Prosperity ( He manages
Transition Garden (, a two-acre co-operative teaching
centre micro-farm at his home in St Margarets Bay.

We appreciate your donation in any amount!

Click here to contribute

Any funds contributed will be used to offer honorariums to our guest speakers.







24 Часы реальности: Обратный отсчет до будущего–Recording now available!

With Mayela Manasjan and David Takahashi.

We’re at an inflection point. COVID-19, the climate crisis, and a global reckoning on racial justice have forced us to rethink normal and created a new world of possibilities.

Please enjoy the recording below!

Join Climate Reality Leaders, David Takahashi and Mayela Manasjan for a digital presentation dedicated to learning more about climate change, how the Sacred Path of the Warrior happens to fall within the intersection of the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit, and the steps we can all take to solve our climate crisis.






Two-Eyed Seeing with Elder Albert MarshallRecording now available here!

Join us for this conversation with Elder Albert Marshall, HonDLittMi’kmaw Nation, facilitated by Christine Heming.

Суббота, Июль 25 в 4:00 вечера (Атлантика).

Climate change activists have been calling for indigenous peoples to be part of the solution to tackling climate change, emphasizing their traditional wisdom and practical knowledge. Elder Albert Marshall’s two-eyed seeing is a guiding principle for how to join indigenous wisdom and knowledge with Western science and technology in a collaborative effort of co-learning how to live on this earth in a balanced and sustainable way.

Albert Marshall is a highly respected and much-loved Elder of the Mi’kmaw Nation; he lives in Eskasoni First Nation in Unama’ki (Cape Breton), Новая Шотландия, and is a passionate advocate of cross-cultural understandings and healing, and of our human responsibilities to care for all creatures and our Earth Mother.

In Albert’s words“So this is what we truly believe. This is what reinforces our spiritualities: that no one being is greater than the next, that we are part and parcel of the whole, we are equal, and that each one of us has a responsibility to the balance of the system”.

Пожалуйста, наслаждайтесь записью!

You can also read the transcript here!

MOVIE OF THE MONTH– Четверг, апреля 15 at 7pm (Атлантика)

From November 2020 to April 2021, we will offer a film to watch on your own time and a scheduled Zoom meeting to have a discussion based on the topic(с) presented in the film. The program will present a broad spectrum of views on our relationship with this earth and will include both documentaries and features from around the world.

Четверг: апреля 15
At: 4:00 вечера (MT) / 6:00 вечера (ET) / 7:00 вечера (AT)
Увеличить ссылку:
Passcode: STECfilm
Идентификатор встречи: 895 1609 7467

1- We announce the movie in this newsletter and on the Collective’s website
2- You watch it at home or with a friend before the discussion date
3- We discuss it online in a Zoom Room, with a break-out groups format

Our Programmer for this series is British-born film brat Анджела Прессбургер, who has been a Program Consultant for the Vancouver International Film Festival since 2000 and has sat on documentary juries for both the Vancouver and Seattle film festivals. В 2001, Angela founded the Sunshine Coast Film Society, which is still running, И в 2012 she started the Tatamagouche Movie Group, many of whose members will be joining us for this film series. At one point she wrote a movie review column for the Shambhala Sun and she is also the co-founder of the short-lived Shambhala Agricultural Foundation, which turns out to have been just a little before its time.

April Films:

After a lively conversation about Africa and the state of protecting the land there at our last discussion, we decided we wanted to further explore the topic of soil”. These are two of the best on the topic as well as being excellent documentaries which will keep you entertained as you learn. Watch the films if you can, and if you’re inspired, please join us for the discussion

Recognitions: Best Feature Documentary, Боулдер, Денвер, Heartland, Hamptons, Майами, Mill Valley, Newport Beach, Palm Springs, Sarasota, Sedona, Thessaloniki, and Toronto; plus numerous Critics Awards.

A testament to the immense complexity of nature, The Biggest Little Farm follows two dreamers and a dog on an odyssey to bring harmony to both their lives and the land. When the barking of their beloved dog Todd leads to an eviction notice from their tiny LA apartment, John and Molly Chester make a choice that takes them out of the city and onto 200 acres in the foothills of Ventura County, naively endeavoring to build one of the most diverse farms of its kind in complete coexistence with nature. The land they’ve chosen, Однако, is utterly depleted of nutrients and suffering from a brutal drought. The film chronicles eight years of daunting work and outsize idealism as they attempt to create the utopia they seek, planting 10,000 orchard trees and over 200 different crops, and bringing in animals of every kind– including an unforgettable pig named Emma and her best friend, Greasy the rooster. When the farm’s ecosystem finally begins to reawaken, so does the Chesters’ hope – but as their plan to create perfect harmony takes a series of wild turns, they realize that to survive they will have to reach a far greater understanding of the intricacies and wisdom of nature, and of life itself.


KISS THE GROUND, 202, США, 84 min.
Recognitions: Best Documentary, LA Doc., London International Film Festival; and many Critics Awards.

About two-thirds of the world’s soil is desertifying, and the remaining topsoil will be gone within 60 годы. Pesticides rebranded for farms from toxic chemicals developed by German scientist Fritz Haber, who also developed the poisons used in the gas chambers of the Holocaust, have been turning the world’s soil into dirt for decades, leading to poverty and global warming. There is hope, Однако, with “regenerative agriculture,” which could balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world.

Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell examine the eye-opening history of soil narrated by three-time Academy Award® nominee and environmental activist Woody Harrelson. Including historical context about the Dust Bowl—the largest man-made environmental disaster—the film follows modern-day conservationists such as Ray Archuleta, who teaches farmers regenerative agriculture, and French Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll, who introduced the “4 per 1,000” Initiative, which 30 countries signed except for the US, China, и Индия. Kiss the Ground takes us around the world, showing a global movement to regenerate the world’s soil

Link to Watch the Film:
In Canada or the US: Netflix


Online Discussion: Четверг, апреля 15, в 7:00 вечера. Атлантика / 6:00 вечера. Восточный

Увеличить ссылку:
Passcode: STECfilm
Идентификатор встречи: 895 1609 7467

See you in the Movie Zoom Room!


Humanity at a Crossroads: Laudato Si’ & Принцип Шамбалы—RECORDING AVAILABLE HERE!

An online gathering hosted by the Touching the Earth Collective.

Several members of the Touching the Earth Collective discussed and compared these two analyses, in which the Pope and the Sakyong offered their assessment of the challenges facing our species and the earth’s biosphere. We have invited former Shambhala President Richard Reoch to facilitate the gathering and he has kindly agreed.


“A certain way of understanding human life and activity has gone awry, to the serious detriment of the world around us. Humanity has entered a new era in which our technical prowess has brought us to a crossroads.”
– Pope Francis, Laudato Si’

“We humans have come to a crossroads in our history: we can either destroy the world or create a good future. Even climatically, the balance is shifting to dramatically change the face of the earth. Our ecosystem is in a precarious and fragile state, and our future depends on our actions as a species.”
–Сакьонг Мипам Ринпоче, Принцип Шамбалы

In the run-up to the 196-nation conference that adopted the historic Paris Agreement on climate change in 2015, the Pope and the Sakyong offered their assessment of the challenges facing our species and earth’s biosphere. They also set out the personal and societal changes that would be needed to meet the threat of global devastation.

After retiring as President of Shambhala, Ричард Реоч developed a 14-point comparison of these two analyses and found remarkable resonances between them.

кликните сюда to access the document, prepared by Richard, about the Points of Convergence.

Here is the recording for Part 1, which took place on Saturday, Октябрь 17:


Here is the recording for PART 2, which took place on Saturday, ноябрь 14.

Let Your Sustainability Values Lead the Way with Mayela ManasjanRecording now available

A leadership workshop to help identify and manifest your core
values to lead and motivate yourself and others.

Think of your life purpose. Why are you here and what do you want to accomplish? Which of your core values will guide your behavior as you attempt to live a purposeful life? Your core values reflect what is important to you and they provide the foundation for your decisions, goals, and life. When you align with your core values, you create more energy and a sense of fulfillment in your life because you’re leading from what is most important to you. In this workshop, we will identify your core values, define and connect with them, share and understand each other’s core values, and explore ways to manifest your core values in your daily life.