事件: 基本善良 1: 我是谁? 做人的基本善 (OE)

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请注意: 这个 “公开招生” 课程可以按照您自己的时间表完成. 讨论区不太活跃,但仍然开放. 课程也没有辅导员. 价格从 $149 至 $108. We recommend that you keep a journal about the class and meet with your Meditation Instructor to discuss the contemplation topics. 问题? 接触 [email protected].

为期 6 周的课程

Acharya Lobel leads participants on a journey of contemplative inquiry focused on the timeless question, “我是谁?” 课程参与者将学习:

  • 关于我们的自我意识如何每时每刻升起的佛教教义,以提供参考点.
  • 冥想练习被用作接触和表达本善心的一种方式.
  • 加入虚拟社区进行讨论, 沉思和对话练习.

本课程对所有人开放. 不需要以前的冥想经验.


Kalapa Acharya Adam Lobelwas drawn to the path of meditation when he was 16 岁, in response to the social and ecological injustices he saw.  He soon encountered the writings and vision of Tibetan meditation master, 秋阳创巴仁波切.  Inspired by the path of warriorship and the vision of enlightened society, he pursued meditation retreats and training in the Shambhala Buddhist path.  Adam connected with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, head of the Shambhala lineage, while on retreat in Parphing, 尼泊尔在 1997. He was co-editor of the Sakyong’s book 把思想变成盟友. Adam was named an Acharya in 2004 and completed a Masters of Divinity at Harvard Divinity School. 在 2008, the Sakyong named Acharya Lobel the Kalapa Acharya. The Kalapa Acharya presides over the Pillar of Practice and Education within Shambhala. Acharya Lobel is particularly responsible for curriculum and path development as well as training Shambhala teachers. Adam is involved with various social and ecological transformation initiatives both within and beyond Shambhala. Adam is a doctoral candidate at Harvard University and lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his wife and two sons.


香巴拉之道 课程是为那些不住在香巴拉中心附近的人设计的, 或者需要特定课程才能继续前进的人. 该系列中的每门课程都有一位高级香巴拉老师, 参与者的在线社区, 并由经验丰富的课程负责人提供便利. Course participants view recorded teachings, 然后思考并参与旨在加深理解的练习.


课程是异步的. 您可以在方便时查看录制的谈话. 建议的时间表是每周观看一次演讲并完成模块中的相关阅读和练习. 有 6 会谈.


大多数参与者花费 1 至 2 每周课程时间. 谈话平均 45 分钟长度. 让自己有时间阅读, 冥想练习和其他任务. 最好在日历上安排时间,就像面对面上课一样.


定期金额. 常规课程费率是 $108

赞助人. 顾客率 $149 支持我们通过在线计划将教师和学习者联系起来的努力. 尤其是, 它帮助我们为有需要的人提供慷慨政策.

慷慨政策. 点击 申请折扣 下方链接 registering to receive a discount code to use at checkout. 如需进一步折扣或奖学金, 写给 [email protected].

中心和团体, 请注册 这里.

冥想导师和香巴拉指南, 请参见 香巴拉教育者资源 注册本课程的学习/复习版本.


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