Evento: Aprende a amarte a ti mismo

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A Self-Paced Retreat with Sabine Rolf

Descubre o redescubre tu conexión con la meditación – y a ti mismo. Este retiro a tu propio ritmo es una manera poderosa de reconectarnos con nuestras mentes y corazones., y abrirnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestra experiencia de una manera más conectada, cuidando, y amable.

Life can be chaotic, with increasing demands on our time and attention. We are stressed by our own and other’s expectations, and struggle to accomplish everything we need to do. The Learn to Love Yourself course offers an antidote to our constant busyness and frustration. In this course we will connect with our soft hearts, into our inspiration and creativity and leave feeling more alive and refreshed.

If you have never meditated before, you will be given clear instructions on how to meditate, y ser guiado a través de cómo desarrollar una práctica regular de meditación. Si eres un meditador experimentado, this self-paced retreat offers the opportunity to slow down and reconnect to the simplicity of meditation practice. There will also be exercises designed to open our minds and hearts to the beauty and power of being in the moment.

Talks themes throughout the course include:

  • Hacerte amigo de ti mismo
  • Trabajar con la ansiedad & Emociones Difíciles
  • Desarrollar confianza y confianza en ti mismo

This course is ideal for first time meditators and for anyone wanting to develop a deeper relationship with themselves and the world around them.


Matrícula completa: $199

Matrícula de beca subsidiada: $149

Center Tuition: $299

Si requiere asistencia financiera adicional, por favor contactar: [email protected]  


Register now and discover a whole new relationship to yourself


sobre el maestro:

Sabine Rolf is a senior teacher and has been practicing meditation and contemplation in th
e Kagyu and Nyingma Tibetan Buddhist lineages and in the Shambhala lineage for more than 20 años. Enseña internacionalmente sobre budismo., Shambhala, Psicología Contemplativa,  Conciencia espacial Maitri, y comunicación consciente. Sabine studied Philosophy and German Literature in Hamburg andworks in leadership teams in Adult Education and Preventive Environmental Protection. Ella vive en el campo en Alemania..  



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