事件: 原始纯度

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日期: (Registration is open) Access to course materials begins on 二月. 11, 2022
先决条件: 金刚乘传承
(Primordial Rigden Ngöndro and/or Kagyu Ngöndro)
协调员: 朱莉娅·珀施 ([email protected])

在 1987 尊贵的顶果钦哲仁波切在哈利法克斯传授大圆满教法, 新斯科舍省. This online course presents nearly five hours of footage of the events. 它展示了钦哲仁波切的部分开示, 贝玛旺杰仁波切的译本, as well as His Holinessfinal address and blessing line after bestowing Vajrakilaya Abhisheka, 这里不包括.

Watching these videos is like bathing in the warm glow of Rinpoche’s presence. 它们是香巴拉僧伽的重要历史文献,说明了这本书的来源原始纯度: 击中要害的三个字口述(香巴拉出版物, 2016), that is based on these teachings in Halifax.

Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche from Shechen Fellowship has kindly given permission for the use of these videos through the Shambhala Archives.

顶果钦哲仁波切 (1910–1991) 是一位成就卓著的冥想大师, 学者, 和诗人, 和宁玛传承的主要持有者. 他非凡的领悟深度使他成为, 对于所有遇见他的人, 慈爱的基础, 智慧, 和同情心. 非宗派 Rime 运动的忠实拥护者, 钦哲仁波切受到藏传佛教各宗派的尊敬,教导了许多上师, 包括达赖喇嘛尊者. He was also one of the main teachers of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. He tirelessly worked to uphold the Dharma through the publication of texts, 建造寺院和佛塔, 并通过向全世界成千上万的人提供指导. 他的藏文著作有二十五卷.


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