Esemény: (RUP-angol) A hatalom helyes használata

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FIGYELEM!: This course is offered aspay-what-you-can”. Above are the suggested donation amounts. Lásd a Bejegyzés section at the bottom of this page for more information.

Translated courses in French, Italian, spanyol, Portuguese and German will be available soon.

A hatalom helyes használata 

with Dr. Cedar Barstow and hosted by Susan Skjei
This program is based on Dr. Cedar Barstow’s book, A hatalom helyes használata: Az Etika Szíve—Útmutató és forrás a szakmai kapcsolatokhoz, és az elkötelezett etika képzési programja, amely a hatalom etikus használatának négy aspektusát tanítja meg. In her program, power is defined as “the ability to have an effect, or to have influence.Good intentions are necessary but not sufficient for using power wisely and well. Power is a big topic and worthy of attention and study by both leaders and students. At the end of the course, you will have a deep understanding of the nature of power and the dynamics involved in relationships where there is a power difference. You will also have an understanding of your personal power style and impact. You will learn skills like offering healthy and useful feedback, reducing shame, and resolving and repairing relationship conflicts. You will grow your power-wisdom.
There are other factors that need to be understood to be prepared to use power rightly. These factors include shame and cognitive strategies that interfere with accountability, fight/flight/freeze responses, influence of non-ordinary states, transference, difference between intention and impact, inadequate self-care, unskillfulness, cultural or contextual differences, negative brain effects of elevated role power, and special issues for spiritual leaders. Eight modules will cover these factors. The program will begin February 15 and end June 16, and you will have continued access to the course material indefinitely.

Élő munkamenetek & Vita
Designed to be relevant, engaging, and inspiring, each module includes an information-packed talk and self-reflective processes. You may view the online modules at your convenience, but the course is designed for participants to complete 2 modules each month.
Two live sessions are offered on Wednesdays at 1pm EDT each month
  1. Meet with the Instructors. Susan Skjei will facilitate a 75-minute (1.25 hour) live webinar discussion via Zoom with Dr. Cédrus Barstow. március 17; április 14; Lehet 19; június 16.
  2. Power Awareness in Shambhala. This 90-minute (1.5 hour) community conversation is facilitated by Susan Skjei and Janet Bronstein. March 31st, April 28th, May 26th and June 30th.

Your participation in the live webinars is strongly encouraged. Live session dates are subject to change with notice. Each call is on a Wednesday at 11am (MDT) / 1délután (EDT) / 2délután (ADT) /8délután (CEST)

To check the time in your location, see this link:

Additional live discussion dates may be added for groups taking the course in Spanish, német, French, Portuguese and Italian (to be confirmed).

We would like to acknowledge and thank Jon Ransohoff and the Shambhala Trust for their generous donation to the Right Use of Power training development.

Program Outline
Modules 1 & 2 – Be Informed and Present
  • Introduction of Cedar Barstow and Susan Skjei and why this training is important for Shambhala
  • Developing personal power as foundation
  • Understanding the difference between personal, role, and status power
  • Role power as a set of responsibilities inherent in the position
  • Power differential dynamics
Modules 3 & 4 – Be Compassionate and Aware
  • Special considerations for spiritual leaders and spiritual communities
  • Boundary styles and maintaining good boundaries
  • Status power, diversity, and inclusion
  • Feedback skills as an investment in relationship
Modules 5 & 6 – Be Connected and Accountable
  • Szégyen, cognitive strategies, and other factors that interfere with accountability
  • Resolving and repairing impact and intention
  • Processes for those with greater role power and those with lesser power
  • Effective apology
  • Orientation to Shambhala’s new Code of Conduct
Modules 7 & 8 – Be Skillful and Proactive
  • Self-care as an ethical issue
  • Managing multiple roles in community
  • Neurobiology of powerboth the capacity for good and for harm
  • Power shadow review process
  • Mediating the shadow of power
Integration with Shambhala Teachings
  • Susan Skjei will be the overall host and guide for the community, in conjunction with Dr. Cédrus Barstow, for the Right Use of Power training.
  • The first module opens with an introduction of Dr. Barstow and Susan Skjei giving context about why this training is important now for Shambhala and how the need for the training was identified.

About the Instructors

Dr. Cedar Barstow, D.P.I. is the founder and director of the Az energia helyes felhasználása Intézet, which provides training, consultation, and resources to help people cultivate the skills, sensitivities and concepts that are needed to use their considerable power wisely, sensitively, and effectively. The Right Use of Power approach is a dynamic, inspiring and relational approach to the ethical use of personal, role, and status power to promote well-being and the common good. Ő a szerzője A hatalom helyes használata: Az Etika Szíve— A Resource for the Helping Professional ésHatalomzónában élni: Hogyan alakíthatja át kapcsolatait a hatalom helyes használata with Reynold Ruslan Feldman, Ph.D.


Susan Skjei, Ph.D., egy pedagógus, coach és szervezeti tanácsadó, aki a vezetésre és az átalakuló változásra szakosodott. Ban ben 1972 Susan began her studies with the Vidyadyhara, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpocse. Részt vett a 1974 seminary and early Kalapa Assemblies and, at his request, became the first Shambhala Training resident director in the San Francisco Bay Area. Later, she became a student of the Sakyong and served on the Shambhala Board of Directors for over 10 évek. During that time she was also Vice President of Human Resource Development and Chief Learning Officer for a large high-tech company.

Susan has taught extensively and has provided mentoring, training and facilitation to many Shambhala Centers in North America and Europe. Jelenleg, Susan is the director of the Authentic Leadership program at Naropa University and a founding member of the Authentic Leadership in Action (ALIA) Új-Skóciai Intézet. She also consults internationally with leaders of non-profit organizations and businesses worldwide through her company Sane Systems. A férjével él, Jim Pascucci, in Longmont, Colorado.

Regisztrációs lehetőségek

This course is offered as pay-what-you-can, with the suggested donations noted below.

Egyedi: $0-$49.
This allows us to continue to offer programs and pay our presenters and teachers.

Mecénás: $0-$99.
The Patron Price allows us to offer scholarships, and pricing such as pay-what-you-can.

Központ: $0-$199.  Csoport: $0-$149.

Központok és csoportok: Please register with your Shambhala account. Kattintson ide az utasításokért fiók létrehozásáról.

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