Category Archives: jielm2-396

Course Updates


Are you getting familiar with the course? Have you searched for and found a dialogue partner yet? Please do that soon. If you are still searching, you don’t need to stop doing the course until you find one. Listen to the talks and do the other exercises.

If you need any help please email me (Mimi) at [email protected].

Please mark your calendars for our first live meeting on Sunday, Juin 10. It will be at 1pm Atlantic time. (That is 9 Pacifique, 10 Montagne, 11 Central, 12 Est, 5 GST, 6 European)

The live gathering are an opportunity for us to meet each other, discuss the course material, and see how it connects with our experience.

The link is:
Rejoindre depuis un PC, Mac, Linux, iOS ou Android:

Ou iPhone en un seul clic :
NOUS: +16468769923,,2246555604# ou +16699006833,,2246555604#
Ou téléphone:
Cadran(pour une qualité supérieure, composer un numéro en fonction de votre position actuelle):
NOUS: +1 646 876 9923 ou +1 669 900 6833
ID de réunion: 224 655 5604
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