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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to be a member of Shambhala to take classes through Shambhala Online?
  • I don’t have a paypal account. Is there another way for me to make a payment?
  • How do I take advantage of your generosity policy?
  • How long do I have access to my courses?
  • Q. Do I need to be a member of Shambhala to take classes through Shambhala Online?

    A. Anyone can take courses through Shambhala Online. If you have never taken a course before, use theCreate an Accountlink at sign in. Be sure to save your username and password for future use.

    Q. I don’t have a Paypal account. Is there another way to make payment?

    A. You do not need a paypal account to make payment. At checkout, on the Paypal screen, klikněte na “Pay with debit or credit card.This should allow anyone to check out as a guest, and you will not need to login to Paypal.