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These sessions are on hiatus until June. Join the email list to receive notice when we resume!
Curious about how to offer online/hybrid programs for your center or group?
In this series of live sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to learn all about how the magic is made. You’ll have a chance to ask questions, connect with peers and offer your own wisdom as we explore this new terrain together.
Best of all, participation in this course is FREE of charge!
These sessions will be curated/hosted by experienced hybrid programs creators from around the Shambhala Community.
There are many, many details of action involved in the simplicity and sharpness of being in this very moment, here, now. – Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Zoom Link for all sessions:
Meeting ID: 821 5445 4921
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Meeting ID: 821 5445 4921
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Hybrid Programs Quick Bits
Click to see an example of one of the many cameras now available that allow for multi-directional controls. This one is currently used by the Birmingham Shambhala Center
– VIDEO TOUR: Shrineroom Setup for Hybrid Programs:
Helpful Document for At-Home Participants: Creating an Uplifted Zoom Environment in your Home
Link to Zoom Learning Center
Short Video: The Basic Gear.
Recordings from Session 1: Overview of a Hybrid Program
December 2nd, 2021.
Click HERE for detailed notes, chat comments and an outline of Session 1.
Click HERE for the equipment list and screen shares from Session 1.
Session 1: Video Presentation
Session 1 Discussion
Session 2 Presentation and Discussion
Session 3: Zoom Playdate
In this session, we look at some of the screen share and breakout room features, discuss the use of the Host Key and make other incidental discoveries along the way.
Sessopm 4: Helping Teachers Take Their Seat with Marian English
Video TBA
Session 5: Zoom Playdate February 3rd.
April 7th, 2022: Otter for Captions and Transcribing