About Us

Shambhala Online offers live events, interactive programs, online courses and an extensive media library of recordings from senior teachers in the Shambhala lineage. Our mission is to support Shambhala teaching and learning across the boundaries of time and geography through technology.

For those without a nearby Shambhala Center, or for groups that lack access to teachers, Shambhala Online programs are essential for moving forward on the path. The Way of Shambhala series in the Shambhala Online Learning Environment can provide a door to these teachings and a supportive online community. Centers and Groups can use the WOS video talks by senior teachers to offer locally facilitated programs.

Shambhala Online connects international sangha to the dharma through various digital formats.

SOcourseLogoInteractive courses. Using high-quality video recordings, senior teachers come to you at your convenience to present on topics ranging from Way of Shambhala curriculum to “extracurricular” topics, including art, relationships and leadership. Most courses run for four to six weeks, and each weekly module features a video talk by the teacher, online discussion with classmates from around the world, reflection prompts and more. Multiple learning approaches engage participants so that the learning is more likely to be deep and lasting. Tip: Treat your online course like you would a face-to-face class. Calendar time to attend talks, study, discuss and practice to make the most of this opportunity.

Shastri Holly Gayley meeting with Joy In Everyday Life participantsLive, interactive programs. These 90-minute programs focus mostly on sadhana and tantrika practices, led by an Acharya with an affinity for the practice. The Acharya typically will lead an abbreviated practice, give a brief talk, and invite participants to ask questions and engage in dialogue. Participants can use their webcam and microphone to appear on screen to the teacher and all participants, or simply turn on the microphone, and/or use the chat pod to pose questions and add comments. Practitioners of various vajrayana sadhanas can gather for live teaching and practice opportunities, and fulfill practice requirements that call for teachings by an acharya, or senior teacher. TIP: The teachers enjoy seeing you and meeting you! Don’t be shy about turning on your camera when invited to interact. Enter the virtual classroom early to test your equipment so you’ll be ready for the program.

Pema Chödron, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and Bishop Andrus at Being Brave 2014Special events. Tune in for live addresses by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Shambhala Day festivities, and more. These occur via Livestream to bring you the best viewing experience. The stream auto-adjusts to your bandwidth to reduce the chance of lag or poor image quality. Tip: Friend us on FaceBook or subscribe to Sangha Announce on Shambhala Network to hear about upcoming special events.